David Rossi- The Team

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Requested by JisungAndMinhoeRing

You walked into the BAU nervously with your boyfriend David Rossi by your side like a loyal golden retriever, he was guiding you with his hand on your lower back. A million thoughts raced through your head as you entered the bullpen. What if they didn't like you? Or thought you were weird? You glanced nervously at David, but he seemed totally at ease as if this were his second home, and technically it was.

You took David's hand and intertwined your fingers together, and he responded with a light and gentle squeeze. He also gave you an encouraging smile. You felt braver now with him around. David was your shield, your comfort.

You watched as Davis's lips moved, and then a group of agents came over to you and him. You assumed that he was calling his team over.

David told you all about them, so you felt as if you knew them all. You could pick them all out one by one.

The raven haired girl was the first to approach you and David, you instantly knew she was Emily Prentiss. A strong and fierce woman who would do anything for her team. Following her was Derek Morgan, muscles and looks, but with what David told you about him you knew he was a softie at heart. Jennifer Jareau, or JJ for short, was next. She was the definition of beauty, and had a motherly heart, and a strong fist. Reid followed behind her. His brown hair was longer than what David described to you, but you knew from David that he changed his hairstyle almost once a year. You recognized the insecurity behind it. Penelope Garcia was there too, with a crazy colored outfit and a dazzling smile that was extremely contagious. She was like her own personal sun, reflecting her pure happiness on anyone near her. Finally, Hoch came down from his office. Now Hotch you had met on plenty of occasions, as him and David were close friends. You especially loved when he brought his little Jack over to the mansion. You've never seen this part of Hotch before though, the one that masked any emotion he was feeling so that he was putting work as his main focus. It's like he changed with his suit.

You saw David talking to them, but you couldn't tell what he was saying as you were at a side angle. The team met your eyes with curiosity, and you gave them a shy smile in turn, and then squeezed David's hand nervously. You hoped they would like you...

~Rossi's pov~

"Why isn't she talking?" Emily asked, her head cocked to the side slightly towards y/n's direction.

Reid frowned, "maybe she's nervous," he whispered to Emily. Rossi knew he would be feeling sympathetic towards y/n if that were the case, which technically she was shy, but it was not why she wasn't talking. He felt a prickle of guilt for not telling them sooner.

Rossi could tell they were confused, and before they judged, he took a step forward and spoke. "I probably should have told you beforehand. Y/n is deaf." He looked back at her and kissed the back of her hand, his eyes only on her like she was the most precious thing in the world, and to him, she was. She gave him a small smile in turn. The team seemed surprised, well all except Hotch. Garcia was the first to break the silence that followed.

"So you know sign language?" She asked Rossi.

He nodded, "yes. She's very good at lip reading too, but you have to show her your whole face." He turned back to y/n, a proud smile playing at his lips. He wrapped his arm around y/n's waist and pulled her close to his side.

Reid made eye contact with her and spoke, making sure his lips formed what he was saying perfectly. "Hello, y/n. It's nice to meet you."

Y/n gave him a timid smile, but a happy one nonetheless. He smiled back, matching her bashful smile with his own. Rossi had a feeling the two of them would be great friends.

JJ was next to speak, "hello! I'm sure we'll be great fiends."

Y/n beamed at her and nodded. Rossi noted how her eyes sparked with excitement, and he couldn't help the tug he felt on his heart. He kissed her temple and smiled softly at her.

"It's nice to see you again, y/n," Hotch said.

"I have so many stories to tell you about Rossi when at work," Emily told her enthusiastically, "he's quite sarcastic."

Y/n nodded, and then glanced at Rossi with a knowing smile. Rossi was just as sarcastic at home as he was at work, and y/n knew it.

It was history after that. They all communicated wonderfully with her, and adored her, she adored them just as much. He watched from a distance with pride as the members of his team talked to her, one at a time, all eager at the change to get to know her.

When it was time to leave they all gave her hugs, and Garcia gave her a kiss on the cheek. Rossi took her hand and went back to his mansion. He noticed y/n looking cheerful, with eyes as bright as the sun, and that was just about how warm his heart felt.

When they entered the house, Rossi was surprised when y/n took him by the shirt and pulled him forward until his lips met hers. He smiled softly and kissed her back. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders, while he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her deeper into the kiss. He could tell the kiss was a thank you from her to him. A thank you for letting her meet the team, her new friends.

~y/n's pov~

You kissed him with everything you had. You wanted to tell him how happy you were, and how much you loved him. You marveled at how his touch could still send electricity through your body, like a teenager with newly developed hormones. He made you feel so young.

The kiss lasted a bit longer before you pulled away for air. You tucked your head against his shoulder. David held you close to him and stroked your back. He kissed the top of your head and squeezed your waist with gentleness, one of the many ways of telling you he loves you. You kissed his neck in turn, to tell him you loved him too.

As much as you already loved your new friends, you were perfectly happy to spend some alone time with David...

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