Derek Morgan- Boyfriend

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Abuse warning(not from our lovely Morgan though because ofc he would never😌).

You honestly didn't understand what you were doing with a guy like him. He was sucking you into the delusion that this was what a normal relationship was like, but you knew deep down that it wasn't true. He always said he was trying to change, but he never did in the end.

He would be sweet one moment, showering you with kisses and gifts, telling you he loves you, and then the next he's shouting and calling you a whore, accusing you of cheating, he even hit you once or twice throughout your relationship. You knew it wasn't healthy, but you didn't know how to escape the cycle.

"Hey y/n, are you coming to Rossi's place for the cookout?" Morgan asked you one night after work.

"Yeah I think so. Nicks coming too."

Morgan shifted uncomfortably at the mention of your boyfriend. You pretended not to notice how nobody liked him much, particularly Morgan.

"Alright, well it's at five tomorrow, don't forget. Oh and try to put a leash on your boyfriend yeah?" He smirked slightly. You rolled your eyes and nudged him, sending some unknown electricity up your body when your bodies touched.

"Hey do you wanna go grab a coffee with me? I could use it and I bet you could too."

You nodded and walked outside with him. Garcia saw you two heading out together, "hey where are you lovelies going?" She asked cheerfully.

"Coffee, wanna come?" Morgan replied.

"Absolutely! We haven't hung out in so longgg," she grinned. You got into your cars and headed to the nearest coffee shop.

You all got coffee to go and walked around the sidewalk. 

"How're things going with Kevin?" You asked Garcia, taking a sip of your coffee.

"Oh it's amazing y/n, he's amazing," she sighed happily.

"Hey!" Morgan huffed loudly.

"Oh you're amazing too my love cakes."

"Nuh uh don't you love cakes me, babygirl," he shook his head and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "it's just me and y/n now."

"Oh Derek," Garcia rolled her eyes at him.

You chuckled and leaned into him slightly. "Oh c'mon don't be like that, you aren't the only amazing guy out there, Kevin's amazing to her too you jealous freak," you poked his side and smiled up at him. You couldn't explain it, but being around him made you feel so...happy. And his arm relaxing on your shoulder felt so natural.

Boy it must be a small world, because you saw your boyfriend walking directly across from you. His waves of blonde hair that stopped just above his ear and bright green eyes weren't hard to miss. Morgan instantly took his hand off your shoulder and awkwardly took a sip from his coffee cup.

"What the hell are you doing y/n??" He spat, "you cheating on me now??"

"No I- you know these people Nick, my coworkers and friends."

"Yeah well," Nick eyed Morgan, clenching his right fist slightly, "I've never seen you get this cozy with a 'friend'"

Morgan took a step forward, not blocking you per say, but making himself known. "Hey, you wanna fight with someone fight with me yeah? But you don't treat a woman like that, especially her you understand?"

Nick scoffed, "I can't believe you, telling me what to do with my own girlfriend. You better stay the fuck out of it."

"Or?" Morgan raised his eyebrow, "did you forget which one of us has a gun? Or should I just remind you," his hand fell to his hip, you knew he wasn't going to draw his gun out, but the threat was still there.

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