Derek Morgan- Jealous

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Y/n gets jealous of Morgan's relationship with Garcia, but she doesn't know why. She then realizes her feelings for him when his life gets threatened

You thought you were just envious of Morgan's relationship with Garcia. That's the kind of thing you've always wanted with someone else. Maybe you wanted that kind of friendship with Derek? But no that didn't make sense because you were pretty close to him as well, even if it wasn't at all like the bound between him and Garcia.

The teams been working on a harder case for a couple days now. So that meant late nights and coffee at all times. Right now you had a lead on who the unsub was. His name was James Miller and you and Morgan were both checking his house out when his phone went off.

He picks it up and answers it, "what's up baby girl?"

You always wished you could hear her response whenever she wasn't on speaker, because she said some...interesting things while she was on speaker. You saw Derek chuckle a little and something inside your stomach stirred.

His face suddenly got serious, "alright we'll be there. Thank you baby girl." He hung up and headed out to the car, you followed behind him as he explained to you what Garcia said.

"Unsubs at a warehouse 10 minutes from here. If I had to guess he's got a hostage in there."

Morgan drove us to the warehouse while calling Hotch for backup. You two had gotten there first though.

"Should we wait for backup?" You asked Morgan, but you knew your answer right away when he pulled his gun out. You nodded and drew yours as well and followed him into the warehouse. The two of you cautiously made your way through the warehouse before spotting the unsub.

Derek pointed the gun at him, shouting "FBI put your hands where I can see them!"

You saw a woman sitting on the ground with her hands tied up. You quickly untied her and pulled her away from the unsubs reach. That's when you spotted it. A type of remote in the unsubs hands.

"Morgan there's a bomb in here!"

"It's over James. Put it down," he said sternly to the unsub. You grabbed ahold of the woman's arm and took a few steps back with her. You had a funny feeling about this.

"Oh but it isn't over, not until I say it is," James smirked and held up the remote.

"Y/N RUN!" Derek yelled as he shot James in the stomach, but it was too late.

You ran, faster than anything to get out of the warehouse with the woman. Once you were out you turned around and waited for Derek. Time stopped for you. Seconds felt like hours and the only thing you could hear was the sound of your heartbeat. It was the only thing that seemed to be moving in a normal pace. Derek was...he- you felt completely numb and were both unaware and unable to hear yourself screaming for him as you saw the explosion.

But he was there, you saw him racing outside just in time as the bomb went off. You rushed into his arms and he gladly embraced you back. You buried your head on his chest and took it all in. He was alive, he was safe.

When time had slowed for you, you saw yourself with a life without Derek Morgan. That's when you realized you just wouldn't be the same, that you needed him in your life. Maybe as more than a friend. You realized that you were simply jealous because you thought maybe there was something more going on with him and Garcia than just friends. You knew it was stupid to think, they were both just really good friends, at least that's what you hoped.

"I- I thought I lost you," you mumbled helplessly, very aware that you were crying onto his vest. By now the rest of your team was there. One of them had taken the woman over to the cops to be greeted by her loved ones. You didn't care though, right now you were with your loved one.

Derek held you close, "no sweetheart you can't get rid of me that easily." He kissed the top of your head and squeezed you gently.

You looked up at him and he wiped the tears off your cheek. You stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out how to put everything you were feeling into words. "Derek I-" you really didn't know what to say so you pressed your lips firmly against his. You could tell he was expressing himself through this kiss as were you. He cupped your cheeks while you wrapped your arms loosely around his neck. Time felt slower again, but this time you welcomed it.

The two of you broke apart though, when you heard your team whistling in the background, Emily being the loudest. Even Hotch had a smile on his face. Rossi winked at the two of you and JJ gave you a knowing smile. Reid just gave you a thumbs up and one of his awkward smiles.

Derek leaned over until his mouth was next to your ear and he whispered, "well maybe I should put myself in danger more often." He kissed your cheek and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked over to the team with you.


You sat with Derek on the jet. When you got home the two of you would actually have to talk about things, but for now you just enjoyed him. You were cuddled up to his side and his arm was wrapped around you. It felt so normal, like you've been doing this your whole lives.

Once the jet landed and you two were far enough from the rest of the team to where they couldn't hear you, you spoke. "You know I was always jealous of you and Garcia."

Derek raised his eyebrow and looked over at you, "really?" He seemed confused.

"Oh c'mon don't act like it's impossible not to be remotely jealous. I hear your conversation with her you know. I just thought maybe there was something else there between you two," you shrugged, suddenly embarrassed of thinking that before.

Derek chuckled and poked your side with his index finger, "that's just how we are y/n, I love her as a friend, but you my Sweet Cakes are so much more."

You scrunched your face up. "Sweet Cakes? Please just save your nicknames for Garcia, that's one thing I'll never be jealous of."

"Oh well too bad miss jealous pants because you'll get all my amazing nicknames," he grinned at you.

"Nope. I refuse."

"Mmm don't make me," he grabbed your waist and pulled you against him, your back to his chest as he tickled your stomach. You giggled and squirmed around in his arms but he wouldn't let you go

"D-Derek st-stop!" You squealed as he moved onto tickling your sides. You squirmed out of his arms and ran away from him.

"Oh no you don't my little Honey Bun!" He chased after you and grabbed ahold of your waist from behind again. This time he leaned his head over and planted small kisses on the side of your face and then down to your neck.

You giggled again and pinched his arm, "stop ittt."

"Never Hot Stuff," he pulled you closer and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Well maybe if you agreed to grab some lunch with me."

"Mmm deal."

He let go of you, instead grabbing your hand as the two of you went to go get lunch. You couldn't believe the turn of events that happened yesterday, and now today. You wouldn't trade it for anything though, not ever.

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