Spencer Reid- Babysitting

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You were on the jet heading home after another case. You saw JJ look at her phone and sigh. "The babysitter canceled, sorry Emily."

"Oh come on you said you'd hang out with me tomorrow night," Emily whined.

"I know, I was so ready for a few drinks, but Will won't be able to watch him either, he has work."

"I can do it," your boyfriend Spencer chimed in, looking up from the book he occupied himself with.

"You? Watch Henry?" JJ asked skeptically.

"Yeah of course, I can handle it for a few hours."

"I'll help him," you added.

JJ seemed to feel better about that, "alright, but I'm not paying you, this job doesn't pay enough as it is."

"Wouldn't expect you to, he's my godson," Spencer said.

"Alright then, it's back on Emily."

Emily grinned, "yes!"


"Ahh you're getting so big!" You beamed at Henry when you and Spencer came to the house.

Henry grinned at you and gave you a hug, and then gave Spencer an even bigger one. He was a sucker for Spencer, and he wasn't the only one.

"Hey Henry!" Spencer ruffled his hair, "how's my favorite kid doing?"

"Good!" Henry chirped happily, the boy seemed hyper.

"I will see you guys in a little bit," JJ told you, then hugged Henry and kissed the top of his head, "see you later, Henry."

"Bye mommy," he hugged her quickly and then went to Spencer's side. JJ chuckled a little before leaving the house.

"Alright what now?" Spencer turned to you for an answer while he placed his hand on Henry's back.

"Umm I dunno, Henry, what would you like to do?"

Henry took a moment to think about it before telling you that he wanted to play with his dinosaurs. You helped get the container out and the three of you began to set the dinosaur figures out on the living room floor.

You sat on the floor next to Henry and began to play with him while Spencer watched with a small smile.

"C'mon Spence don't just stare. Don't you want to play with us?"

His cheeks reddened, "I'm uh- I'm no good at that."

You raised your eyebrow at him, "no good at playing with toy dinosaurs?"

"Well I've never done it before," he shrugged his shoulders.

"What a sad childhood you must have had," you teased, making him roll his eyes at you. But he sat down next to you nonetheless, picking up one of the toys. It was your turn to study him while he messed around with Henry. He seemed so carefree and happy.

Like any kid his age, Henry soon became bored with dinosaurs, and insisted that we do something else. He convinced Spencer to go outside and throw a ball around while you cooked him dinner, chicken nuggets and mac and cheese, the ultimate kids dinner.

After dinner Henry wanted to color. So the three of you laid on your stomachs on the floor and colored away. You drew a bunch of different patterns and colored them in while Spencer just made a bunch of random swirls on his paper. Henry drew a picture of the three of you, which made you smile.

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