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Evelyn's POV

Kids' summer vacation vacation started about a week ago and Blake suggested to go to his friend's beach house for a summer getaway which seemed like a pretty cool idea.

But now that I'm on the beach, surrounded by bickering of three little monkeys with my husband gone to get icecream from last thirty minutes, I'm doubting if this was such a good decision.

"Sweetheart, don't do that." I sighed at Nora, my two year old daughter who was trying to eat sand.

"Why not!" She frowned and pouted at me.

"It's not good. It's dirt." I tried to convince her. "You'll get stomachaches if you eat sand."

"But it's so shiny..." Her eyebrows furrowed.

She's carbon copy of Blake.

Yes, I had a baby girl.

Nikki and Nico were quite confused when they heard the news of me being pregnant. Apparantly they thought babies come out of hospitals and not mother's bellies.

They prayed for the baby to be a girl with their father every Sunday while I was pregnant which I found adorable.

"Momma, look at Nico!" Nicolette yelled, making me look up.

"Nico, come back! Don't go that far!"

Where was Blake!??? Was it getting a icecream or making a icecream!?

"Nikki, baby. Look after Nora for me." I said, standing up to give Nico a piece of my mind.

"I got it." A soft hand was placed on my shoulder and i watched Blake follow Nico into the sea.

I looked back at Nora who was trying to eat sand again.

"Noraaaa..." Nikki whined. "Don't eat it. Let's make a sandcastle." She said to her.

She made a mountain of sand and then patted it, giving it shape.

"See? Like this. Pat pat." She showed Nora.

When Nora tried patting the sand mountain, she ended up destroying it but laughed nonetheless.

I looked at Blake who had Nico hanging from his bicep.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What took you so long?"

"It was a long line, babe." He grinned and kissed my head.

"Icecream!!" Both the girls squealed, grabbing their flavours.

"You, young man." I looked at Nico. "Don't go off running like that. You had me worried." I pouted.

He pouted back. "I'm sorry, mom."

"It's not your fault mommy's a chicken buddy, it's okay." I gaped at Blake as he said those words.

"Mommy chicken?" Nora looked at Nikki who snickered behind her icecream.

"I'll show you who's the chicken! Come back here, Maxwell!!"

"Catch me if you can, Mrs Maxwell!"

The next thing I know, I've chased him to literally the other side of the beach.

Well, not literally.

But when I caught up to him, we were both panting so hard and i felt like i would collapse any second now.

Laughing and panting, he wrapped his arms around my waist, swaying me side to side.

"You look hot in that swimsuit."

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