Twelve: Unexpected visits

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Evelyn's POV

I opened the door, knowing dad won't be home yet. But to my surprise, he was sitting on the couch right in front of me.

I got in and closed the door behind me, placing my shoes on the shoe rack.

"I heard you got a detention." He said and I stiffened.

"Um...yeah." I mumbled.

"Why?" He turned to me.

"Um....I got late for my class." I tell him. He raised an eyebrow.

"You got late? Why?"

"I lost track of time after lunch as I was sitting in the library." I tell him the half truth. He hummed.

"Next time don't be, okay? Get changed, we will have lunch together." He tells me. I nodded.

"Okay dad." I ran upstairs. I changed in my regular clothes which are a loose t-shirt and shorts.

I came down again and saw him setting the plates. He was quite serious today. I wonder why.

"Did something happen?" I asked. He looked up and sighed.

"Not yet, but it will. Why?"

"Just wondering. You don't look so good, plus you came early today."

"Yeah. I took a half day as I had to go to the court." He said and I tensed.


"Don't worry, dear. Nothing important."


"Hey Dad?" I called. He looked up from his laptop and hummed. "I was thinking, what would you say if I tell you that I want to go to a soccer match next week? It's a school tournament." I waited for his response.

"Since when are you interested in soccer?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No. It's just's Amy's first match and I want to be there." I half lied. Again.

"Oh. Who are other coming there?" He asked.

"Just the team and their plus one along with the coach." I tell him.

"How many days?"


"Okay." He said and looked back at his laptop.

"Okay?" I grinned. He looked up and raised his eyebrow.

"You want me to say no then?" I shook my head quickly and ran to hug him, kissing his cheek. He chuckled. "Just be safe and come back in one piece, hmm? And tell my all the best to Amy."

"I will." I ran upstairs, grinning like a five year kid who found out a palace made of ice cream just for herself.

The phone vibrated in my pocket and I picked it up. It was a call from an unknown number but I'm pretty sure I knew who it was.

"Missed me?" Was the first thing he said.

"Nope." I giggled.

"You seem happy." He stated and I heard him smile.

"You want me to be sad then?" I asked with an eyebrow rose.

"No. Why are you so happy though?" He asked.

"Dad agreed." I tell him.

"He did?" He was probably grinning right now.

"Yeah. What are you doing?" I ask.

"Waiting for you to come in your room." He answered.


"Because I'm getting bored here, alone." He sighed.


He's in my room?!??!

I sprinted upstairs and opened the door only go find him laying on my bed. My eyes widened. He cut the call and smirked as he approached me with slow strides and closed the door.

"You should close you mouth, Evelyn. Don't want flies to enter it now, do we?" He teased. I blushed and gulped.

"What are you doing here? More over, how did you even get in?" He just pointed to my balcony.

Of course.

My room was on the first floor which wasn't very high from the ground. Anyone could just climb in through it.

I frowned. He chuckled and cupped my cheeks, kissing me.

"I missed you." He whispered against my lips before colliding them again. I moaned, and his grip on me tightened. My hands twined with his hair and I pulled them, earning a groan from him. My hand rested on his chest through his shirt as we pulled back.

"I need to have a freaking cold shower." He muttered.

"A what?" I asked in confusion. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I need to go." He pecked my lips for the last time and turned.

"Hey Blake." I called him before he could leave. He turned and raised an eyebrow. "I missed you too." I blushed.

"I knew." He winked and left. I watched him jump from the balcony and the rode away on his motorcycle, blowing me a kiss.


"YOU WHAT!?!" Amy screamed and whole cafeteria turned to us. I sighed and muttered a sorry for them. Blake whereas just rolled his eyes. Luke was sitting dumbstruck, not speaking a word.

"We kissed. That's what she said." Blake repeated what I said earlier with an eye roll.

"Really!? I'm so happy for Evel!" She came and hugged me. "We are gonna have so much fun next week!" She squealed. "Oh and we can go on double dates now!"

I really wonder how Luke keeps up with her.

"Congrats, dude." Luke spoke up. "I'm happy to see that you finally have a girl." He smiled at him.

"Things a-are not official yet." I said. Blake looked at me but said nothing.

"Oh." Amy said. Luke just hummed.

"That's cool, totally." Amy added. Blake and I looked at each other and smiled.

Later, I came home quite early as the guys had practice and told me to go home.

I opened the door like usual and came in, going straight for my room. Dad wasn't here today.

I changed into my regular clothes and sat down to do my homework. A few minutes later, I got some food from the fridge and placed it in the microwave to heat.

I did my lunch and watched TV for a while.

I heard some clicking and the door opened.

"Come in, please." Dad said.

Maybe there are a few people with him today.

Smiling, I got up from the couch and ran to him.

"Hey da-" the words got stuck in my throat when I saw the other two people with him.

My parents....


Holy cow!

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