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I've been sitting in the hospital waiting room for two and a half hours. I could of gone and done something but I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be here incase the doctors needed anything.

I've been trying to read this book Mallory let me borrow but I can't focus long enough to get past the first page.

There's a TV in the far corner of the room playing the news really quietly. The nurse at the desk beside me is loudly typing on her computer.

My phone dings with a text from Trevor asking if Jamie's out of surgery yet.

I send back a quick 'no' and look back over at the TV where they're doing a local sports update on the news. The news anchor's are talking about the Ram's game happening later today. I have to read the captions to know what they're saying.

Then they shift to hockey. After a quick chat about the Kings, and their game tonight, they start talking about the Ducks game happening in Florida tonight, which leads to them talking about Jamie being out for the season.

I hate this.

I hate that Jamie can't play right now. I hate that he's injured. I hate that I'm sitting in this stupid hospital waiting room. I hate all of it.

I look down at my phone opening my camera roll to slowly scroll through photos.

I smile to myself. The first photo I stop on is Mallory and I on our plane ride to LA back at the beginning of the summer. We both look so excited with our headphones on and sleep masks on our heads ready to sleep the whole flight because it was four am.

Then I find one from the time when Trevor was in New York over the summer. It's Jamie and I laying in bed. I'm holding the phone up high with my head on his chest and he's squishing my face as I side eye him. He was probably teasing me about something but I can't remember what.

I keep scrolling and find one from when Jamie and I were in Minnesota. It's right after we said 'I love you' for the first time. You can only see Jamie in the photo but I remember sitting on top of him and having a mini photoshoot because he looked so pretty. The sun is shining in, just barely, so there's a warm glow in the picture. His hair is messy and I can remember the feeling of his hands on my thighs.

God I've fallen so far head over heels for this boy.

I stare at the photo for longer then the others. I map out the freckles across his cheeks and the ones that are sprinkles across his shoulders and down his arms which are all on display as he lays in the bed shirtless. At the very bottom of the photo you can just barely see my bright pink nails on his abs.

I want endless days like that. Just us, no phones, and a big comfy bed.

"Miss. Zegras?"

I look up and over at the doorway where the nurse who check Jamie in is heading towards me. I stand up and meet her in the middle of the room.

She nods and says, "He's done, he's slowly waking up from the anesthesia. He'll be a bit loopy for a while," she smiles like he's already said some silly things.

"The doctor is cleaning up but then he'll come talk to you both about recovery and then we'll get you guys on your way home," she smiles as we start towards the back. 

"Thank you, did everything go okay?" I ask right as we get to the room I assume Jamie's in.

"It went great, like he's brand new," she smiles as she quietly knocks on the door and pushes it open. Part of me doesn't believe her because, honestly, how many times a day do you think she says that?

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