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When I come back into the living room after my shower, Kendall is pacing the length of the room with her phone to her ear.

"No," her tone is stern, "I'm calling Davey."

I sit down on the couch. She gives me a small smile when she sees me and mouths, "Just a minute."

"Fine, okay, put him on then," she says into the phone.

I wish I could hear the people on the other end of the line. But based on a quick guess it's her ex.

"Davey, hey," she sighs, "Please stop letting him call me."

She listens to the other person.

"No it's okay, it's not your fault."

She listens again.

"Thank you." Then she pulls the phone away from her ear with a big, loud sigh before she turns to face me.

"Okay," she's smiling despite whatever just happened, "What do you wanna watch?"

"Are you okay?" I lean forward a bit.

"Yeah I'm fine," she's still smiling as she takes a seat next to me on the couch, "I was thinking a romcom, thoughts?"

She obviously doesn't wanna talk about the phone call but she's also still obviously shaken up. Her chest is red and I know it's not from being at the beach all day.

"Was it your ex again?" I know I shouldn't still be asking questions.

Her smile fades for a second like she's going to tell me but quickly the smile reappears.

"It's fine, it whatever, let's pick a movie," She reaches for the remote.


"Jamie," her voice is harsher then I've ever heard it before, she almost sounds like Trevor when he gets mad on the ice. It's a lot scarier coming from her.

Then with a softer tone she continues, "Sorry," she sighs, "It's fine, I just don't want to talk about it, please."

I nod, pretending to zip my lips.

"Have you ever seen The Duff?" She asks as she clicks a button on the remote and the TV lights up.


"We're watching it."

I don't even argue, I just let her put it on.

"You should let me give you a makeover," I say as we watch Wesley help Bianca find a new look.

"No, I should give you a makeover," Kendall smirks looking over at me.

"I don't dress that bad!" I look down at the t-shirt and sweatpants I have on.

"No you don't, but it could be better," she crosses her arms over her chest while her eyes are running down my body.

"Oh really?" I raise a brow at her.

Kendall quickly snaps her eyes to mine, "You know I'm just messing with you right?" She sounds a bit worried like she thinks she actually offended me.

"Yes," I laugh, "But next time I need to go shopping I'll ask for your help."

"You'll need it," she smiles turning back to the TV.

Trevor texts us right as the movie ends saying he's gonna crash at Alex's place tonight, so we end up starting another movie. This time she lets me pick but teases me about my choice, 50 First Dates.

"I didn't take you for a romcom guy," she smiles as she sits down beside me with a fresh bowl of popcorn.

"It's Adam Sandler!" I gesture to the TV screen where he's front and center.

"Oh my god," she laughs, it's warm and light like a summer song. I want to hear it again and again.

"You're excited about Adam Sandler? Not Drew Barrymore?" She turns to look at me as she picks up a couple pieces of popcorn and eats them.

Her blonde hair twists and turns around her face. And even in the dim lights her green eyes are sparkling, I think I could stare at her for hours. Shit, I am staring.

"You can have some," she holds up the bowl of popcorn.

"Thanks," I take small handful and pour it in my mouth.

"Was there chocolate in there?"

"M&M's!" She smiles, "They get all melty!"

"I like it," I reach for another handful.

"You've got chocolate on your lip," her voice is soft and her eyes are on my lips. Before I can respond she's wrapping her thumb in the sleeve of her black cardigan. She holds my chin with her other hand and gently slides her sleeve covered thumb across my lip.

Her hand lingers on my chin for a second, her eyes are still on my lips. She looks like she's lost in her thoughts.

God I wanna kiss her.

"Sorry," she pulls away from me, tucking her legs under herself, putting more distance between us as she sets the bowl of popcorn on the couch cushion between us.

About half way through the movie I turn to look at Kendall to say something but she's laying down, eyes closed, fast asleep.

She looks so peaceful. I don't want to wake her up so I let the movie keep playing as I go to pull one of the extra blankets my Mom told Trevor and I to buy for guests. We both thought she was crazy at first but I might send her a thank you now.

I lay the blanket over her. Some of her hair's fallen in her face so I gently push it back careful to not wake her up.

Oh boy, this is going to be a long summer.

lucky star // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now