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I sat in the lobby of our hotel and talked to Kendall for so long last night that Trevor actually down came to check on me. I told him I was on the phone with my Mom which made Kendall laugh but we said goodnight a few minutes after that.

And I didn't bother her the rest of the night, mainly because she kept saying how tired she was, and even though I told her multiple times to go to bed she stayed up and kept talking. Because once I got her to stop calling me crazy we started to just catch up and chat like nothing had changed.

And I'm not crazy, I'm just determined to get what I want. And I want her.

"So," Trevor starts, he's sitting beside me as the plane starts to take off, "Who were you really on the phone with last night?"

He's not even trying to be quiet, so I know exactly how this is about to play out.

I quickly hit send on the text I was sending to Kendall and look over at him.

"My mom," I answer.

"I'm not buying it, Jimmy," he shakes his head as he takes a sip of his iced coffee, "I heard her laugh and that was not your mother."

"Jimmy's got a girlfriend?" Max Jones looks over from across the aisle.

Oh great, this is never gonna end.

"Who's the lucky lady?" John Gibson joins the conversation, looking back at me from the row in front of Jones.

"There is no lucky lady," I smile using his choice of words.

"There's definitely a lady," Trevor nods, and he sounds so positive about it.

"No there's not," I repeat.

"Why are you so sure?" Jones asks Trevor.

"He went down to the lobby to make a call last night and was gone for like five hours!"

"It was only two," I correct him but he ignores me and keeps going.

"I had to go make sure he was still alive," Trevor dramatically explains, "And when he said he was talking to his mom I heard the person on the phone laugh and it did not sound like his mom."

"So, who is it?" Troy Terry asks from in front of us, Mason and him are looking back at me between the seats.

"It's none of your guys' business," I nod.

"So it is a girl!" Gibby cheers.

"Oh my god," I groan, sliding down in the chair while I also push the bill of my hat down to cover my eyes.



I'm sitting at the dining room table sipping on my second cup of coffee and slowly eating the toast I made. I'm also reading and I'm hooked on this book. I've been sitting here for almost an hour reading.

My phone dings, sitting on the counter beside me. I go to reach for it but my eyes are still focused on the book in my hands. I glance at the notification, it's a text from Jamie. I set the book down, still open so I don't loose my spot and read his text:

good morning, we're heading back to california, i'll call you when i get home

I roll my eyes, he's really diving in head first.

I've thought about texting him like six times since I woke up a couple hours ago but I didn't. I'm not gonna make this easy on him, no matter how much I really like him. Talking to him on the phone last night made it feel like no time had passed.

lucky star // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now