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"It fucking sucked," I groan laying on the couch staring at the ceiling with my phone to my ear. Trevor's in the shower while I'm on the phone with my brother.

While I was home in Toronto I told him about Kendall and everything that happened over the summer because I just needed to tell someone. He said that if I wanted her so badly I should just do something, which I'm starting to think he was right about. But I get where Kendall was coming from with wanting to ended things after the summer.

"So then are you gonna talk to her?" Charlie asks.

"No, why would I?" We play tomorrow night and then we're on a flight back to California the next morning. It's just like Kendall said, the hockey season started and I'm all over the place.

"Because you haven't stopped bringing her up since she left LA," Charlie scoffs.

"But she doesn't want to be in a relationship."

"And you do?" He almost sounds surprised.

"I think so."

"Okay so maybe that's all you want."


"Maybe you just want a relationship, maybe it's not her. Maybe you just thinks it's her because she's the first girl you've actually dated in a while."

Wait maybe he's right.


"I think I made a mistake," I sigh standing in the bathroom line with Mallory.

We're in our fourth frat house of the night. After dinner we made a pit stop to change at Mallory's apartment, because c'mon I'm not going to show up to a frat party in my brother's hockey jersey.

Then we went to the boys' apartment and pregamed a bit before heading to Davey's friend's frat house. Which led us to going to seeing one of Finny's friends at another frat then another and another.

But it's been fun, and since the boys know brothers' at every house we've been able to get safe unopened drinks from them.

Davey's been a bit handsy when we dance together but I don't mind it....but at the same time every time his hands slide under the hem of my t-shirt I just wish it was Jamie's hands.

God. Seeing him tonight was so weird. I thought I'd be okay but it was like I saw a ghost.

"What are you talking about?" Mallory questions, fixing her dark red lipstick in the camera of her phone. She's been having a great time tonight. I've caught her and Finny making out against the wall a few times. It's honestly hard to believe they didn't hook up in high school.

"I think I should of stayed with Jamie," I sigh.

"What?" Mal freezes and slowly looks over at me.

"I saw him tonight and all these feelings just came up again."

He's literally in the city right now. I could be hanging out with him right now but I'm here instead.

"Wait you saw him at the game? Like just on the ice? Or like you talked to him?"

I furrow my brows at her, a bit confused by what she just said. Maybe I should stop drinking for the night.

"Like ran into him in the hallway and froze like an idiot."

"Ouch, okay but he'll be gone tomorrow right? And then you won't see him for a while again. If you were with him this would be the first time you guys had seen each other in months, do you want that?"

lucky star // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now