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We sat on the sand and talked for two hours. The conversation flowed non-stop from things like our favorite foods and colors to what it was like growing up in Toronto verses Bedford. We also bonded over our annoyance for my brother's struggle to remember to turn lights off every time he leaves a room. We even played tic-tac-toe in the sand, I won four games to Jamie's three.

But now two hours later Jamie's guiding his car back into the garage and there's one question replaying through my mind.

"Jamie?" I say as he undoes his seatbelt.

"Hm?" He turns to look at me.

"Have you ever had a crush on someone?" I can't believe I'm asking this but I need any sort of clue he feels the same way or not. But I also just spent a bunch of time talking about my ex back on the beach, so maybe this isn't a good idea.

"Yeah," he scoffs.

"I wasn't done," I look over at him with a smile. He nods waiting for me to continue.

"Like a crush that you can't do anything about? And it just keeps getting worse and worse. Like you want the person so badly, or you think you do, but you just can't make a move for whatever the reason may be?"

Our eyes meet and he looks like he understands exactly what I'm saying. Maybe? Now I'm just questioning everything.

His eyes are so blue but also dark, wait are they blue? They're a bit more grey now that I get to see them up close. But either way I could get lost in them for hours and now I'm getting distracted.

"Yeah," he sighs pushing his hand through his hair.

"Did you ever act on the feelings?" I ask because now I'm just curious.

"No," he pauses he stares out the front window like he's deciding what to say next, "Honestly?"

I watch him lean back in the drivers seat, a hand resting on the wheel, "I'm still in the middle of it. And I don't know what to do."

My skips a beat with hope.

"Why do you ask?" He turns to look at me again.

I shrug. I don't want to be the one to say it, no matter how badly I want to lean over the center of this car and kiss him.

"Just curious," I finally undo my own seat belt, "I should get to bed," I say getting out of the car. Jamie does the same.

We meet at the front of the car.

"Thank you for tonight, I needed that more than I thought."

"You're welcome," a smile pulls at the corner of his lips. 

Fuck, I wanna kiss him.

But I don't. We both just head inside and go to bed.


"Good morning," a raspy voice says from behind me.

I glance over my shoulder and smile at Jamie, who obviously just rolled out of bed.

"Morning," I turn back to the stove, "I'm making omelets, what do you want in yours?"

"What's the options?" He comes to stand behind me, and he puts his hands on my shoulders. I stiffen, his hands are cold but they warm my whole body.

"I've got peppers, onions, sausage, cheese, mushrooms," I list off the options. His hands are still on my shoulders.

"Peppers and onions please," he gives my shoulders a squeeze and then walks over to the coffee machine. I already brewed a pot and had a cup or two...okay I had three cups.

lucky star // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now