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"Kendall, you have five minutes!" Griffin's banging on the bathroom door for the fourth time in the past three minutes.

"If you'd stop bugging me I'd be done by now!" I shout back as I put the lid of the red lipstick back on.

Most twins are best friends but the two of us are like water and oil most of the time. I still love him, we just know how to piss each other off.

"Hurry up!" If he bangs his fists on the door again I'm gonna kill him, and he does.

I pull open the door and he almost falls inside but he catches himself and I laugh, "I'm ready, asshole."

"Finally." He steadies himself on his feet again.

I was ready ten minutes ago but the hotel bathroom had good lighting and I look really good so I wanted to take some pictures, can you blame me?

"Are you two done fighting? Can we go now?" Ava asks from the couch, she's wearing a beautiful cherry red dress that sits right at her knees it's got a big bow on the back, her highlighted hair is curled with a few pieces pinned back.

"Never but yes," I smile picking up my small silver clutch from the coffee table.

Dare I say, we are one attractive group of siblings. Ava looks stunning in her red dress. Griffin's in a simple navy blue suit, looking less frat boy than usual. And I'm wearing a cream colored silk dress that has matching lace trim across the bottom, Mom helped me altered the dress so it hugs my body in all the right places.

The only reason we're so dressed up tonight is because we're on our way to the Anaheim Ducks holiday party thanks to my other brother, Trevor Zegras.

We decided to spend the holidays in California this year because Trevor's team is playing three home games in a row and he wasn't going to be able to make it home.


"We're late because of you," Griffin glares at me as our uber pulls up to the venue.

"We're two minutes late and that's because of traffic, so shut up," I glare at his back as we get out of the car.

"Can you two be civil for just one night? Please," Ava sighs getting out of the car and standing beside me.

"Of course," I smile dramatically big. Ava rolls her eyes at me.

"Let's go, my lovely sisters'," Griffin smiles, letting Ava loop her right arm around his left and me loop my left around his right as we head into the venue, it's a hotel right next to the Honda Center, where the Ducks play.

We check in and get led to the table where our parents and Trevor are already sitting, mingling with the other players and their families.

I haven't gotten to see Trevor yet because I flew in late last night after his game, I couldn't get the time off from work. The rest of the family flew in from New York a few days earlier.

It's been almost two months since I saw Trevor, they played the Rangers in New York. So of course Mom, Dad and I went. We try to go to any game they play on the east coast.

And I know you're not supposed to have a favorite sibling but Trevor's my favorite sibling. And it's because we're the exact same person, even growing up my parents said I would mimic everything he did. Don't tell him, but I still think he's pretty cool.

When he left for Anaheim, it was hard but exciting for the whole family, but I defiantly struggled the most. I spent everyday bugging him because I didn't know what to do with myself. Ava was off at college, so I didn't have her either. Just Griffin and I at home with our parents while we finished off our last year of high school.

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