Deathly Nightmare.

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"Commander! What happened?" A teenage boy with brunette hair along with a white streak asked.

"We received a video message titled 'For the Master of the Seven Elements' from someone unknown." A small squared headed green alien said to his cadet.

The small green alien clicked a button and the video was now on the hologram, pitch black. The small green alien pressed another button making the video play.


"T-that voice.."

















"To think that you killed me.. such a pity for a human to think that he can kill the former master of the seven elements."

"I'll be back and retrieve MY elements and I'll be sure that you'll never get in my away again and perish from the face of the galaxy."


The video turned pitch black again. Everyone looked shocked with eyes widened in fear and horror. A yellow power sphera looked at the brunette with a sad look.

He had just began to enjoy his peaceful time with his elements and this alien comes back for revenge, alive and well.

Was that powerful beam from his fusion between his lightning and light element not enough to kill such a evil figure?

The brunette clenched his fists, eyes shedding a few tears, his breaths began slowing down, he began breathing heavily. Everything around him looked so.. blurry.

What was happening to him?

The alarm began to set off, the small alien began typing random stuff on the high technology infront of him as he showed the cameras.

The camera showed the main deck of the station, destroyed and in pieces. Metal scraps all over the floor, orange aliens with working clothes passed out on the floor.

"The station is being attacked!"

"By who!?"

"Unknown. Let's go there now!"

"Yes Commander!"

The eight of them began running while one was flying behind them to the site where the explosion happened.

They arrived to see it destroyed, holes all over the walls, floors and roof. A laugh echoed through the deck as a huge figure walked towards them, footsteps echoed through the deck.

"Haha! Boboiboy.. finally. We meet again."


The huge monkey-like alien laughed, as he walks another step facing the brunette and his friends. The brunette put out a hand protecting the yellow power sphera.

"I'll make this easy for you. Return MY elements to me and this station will be safe. You and your friends lifes will be not disturbed by me again."

"Over my dead body!"

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