My heart for you, brother.

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"Cadets. Your mission is to retrieve a power sphera called Weaponbot.." Commander Koko Ci paused for his elemental cadet to tell information about this power sphera.

"Eh? Oh! Weaponbot! The power sphera that can grant their owner / master the power to give them any weapon, just say the name of the weapon that you want.. you can get it from Weaponbot." Bbb explained with that usual cheery tone we know.

"Yes that is right. You'll go to Planet Panara to save this power sphera, you will be accompanied by.."

The door opened and all eyes landed on the door, the door revealed a familiar figure.. a black haired male with the white streak that Bbb has..

"Captain Kai!?" The Kokotiam Gang yelled as Kai stepped in and stood next to his little brother.

"Yes, Captain Kai will join you in this mission. We don't know much about Planet Panara so we decided to ask Captain Kai to accompany you for safety." Commander Koko Ci said as he put in his who knows how much sunglasses.

"Now go!" Admiral Tarung yelled.

"Baik Admiral!" The gang yelled along with Kai and saluted.

They all rushed out the control room to the spaceship where it's already on and the door opened. The team rushed inside and the door immediately closed.

They all then went to the main deck to see Captain Papa piloting the ship heading towards Planet Panara.

"Disciples of Justice! We are going to arrive at Planet Panara in one hour and a half, Justice wants to go to sleep! Tatatititutu~" Captain Papa said as he got up from his seat and ran to a nearby room for sleeping.

The gang sweatdropped at their teacher's behaviour, Kai just laughed at the so called 'Justice' behaviour.

One hour and a half.. quite a long time to wait eh? Ochobot decided to go to the charging station for power spheras as he is a bit low on battery. The two girls and Fang decided to go study in the library, while Gopal went to eat leaving the two brothers alone.

"Abang.. I'm sorry for what I did earlier.." Bbb said as he looked down and frowned.

Kai ignored what his little brother said as his expression changed from a happy to a cold one.

"Abang.. please.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose it, it was an accident.." Bbb walked facing towards Kai's cold expression.

"Just shut up, will you!? Now that gift is lost because of you!" Kai yelled as he walked away, hitting Bbb's shoulder in the process.

Bbb stood there in silence, their sibling relationship was getting better.. how did it crumble so fast because of one accident? Let's go rewind the time a bit and see what happened..


Ever since Bbb and Kai got along, they talked about their pasts more. Including when Kai got a gift from their mother.

Here they are now, in their shared room back at Laskar Station after everything that happened. Kai insisted on Bbb moving in the same room as him to protect him from anything that is considered a threat.

Kai was looking through some old boxes he put in a small closet, while Bbb is reading a book about power spheras.

"Look at what mom got me before I left! She got me a ring, not just any normal ring! It's a ring that saves memories, you can out videos or photos there." Kai explained about the ring while showing the ring to Bbb as Bbb walked to Kai and his eyes lit up bright making Kai chuckle at his little brother's excitement.

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