Chapter 40- The Plan

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AShlynn's Pov:

"So you go in, destroy their shit, tell them who the boss is and get out. A simple in and out mission, is that okay?" Chris explained and everybody nodded while I leaned back in my seat and looked out the window.

"Hello?" Christopher waved his hand in front of my eyes.

I didn't budge.

"Earth to Ashlynn. Are you listening?" He asked again, tapping my shoulder.

"Am I listening? Ofcourse I'm not listening, it's four in the fucking morning"

"Gee I get that you're sleep deprived, but you could always sleep right now, we have a few hours before we get there" he shrugged, sighing when I shook my head.

"I don't like planes, let alone sleeping in one."

"You're weird. Who doesn't like planes?" Ace snorted from where he was sitting.

"Well they make your head hurt and make you wanna rip your ears out. I also do not like the idea of being 40,000 feet above the ground with no means of escape." I explained, while rolling my eyes.

"That's bullshit, planes are fucking awesome" Viola yelled, making me cringe. It was so early and these dipshits were already shouting, understand my point about being able to escape?

Viola always loved planes. Infact, she was the co-pilot right now. She said she could fly the thing alone, but we really don't trust her enough with that- because of the whole being underage and not having a license stuff, you know.

Me? I was never a big fan of planes. The idea of being thousands of feet above the ground just didn't sit right with me. Not that I was afraid of heights or anything, but this is different.

I also wasn't joking about the whole wanting-to-rip-my-ears-out part, I have sensitive ass ears and they hurt alright, but I didn't really have an option

Currently, we were flying out to Spain on our private jet. It had been about a week since the Spanish attacked, and everybody agreed that we should attack them back and let them know that we're not gonna just sit back and watch as they try to destroy us.

Not gonna lie, I still have my doubts about this. I can't help but wonder why the Spanish are trying to defeat us with full force and confidence now. They've already tried to do that and have failed multiple times, what makes them believe that they can win this time?

There's no doubt that the Spanish have been getting stronger and smarter, so they're stepping up their game. What I fail to understand is how do they know our identities.

They broke into the Dobrev mansion, specifically to get into my room and get ahold of the Death Squad related stuff, but ofcourse they didn't succeed in that.

We always made sure to keep our identities hidden and always behaved like normal teenagers in front of Everly, so she couldn't have possibly suspected us and told on us.

That leaves us with the possibility of having a mole. But in this past week, the four of us have personally talked to each guard and gang member who knows our real identities.
We even did a deep background check and looked into the call histories and stuff of each of these people, but we found nothing.
Each and everyone one of them is completely trustworthy and loyal.

And so the question arises, who could possibly be bold enough to fuck with the death squad?

"whatever, I'm gonna go get a granola bar. Anyone else want anything?" I questioned as I made my way to my bagpack which was kept at the end of the plane.

"I'll come with you" Ace nodded and followed behind.

I was surfing through my haversack when he started
"gosh you really don't like this plan, do you?"

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