Chapter 28 ~ No shit Sherlock

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Ashlynn's Pov-

Even though I was answering most of the questions Alfie was asking me, I wasn't paying much attention to it.

The silence in the car was too awkward and he was trying to make conversation. And I appreciated that.

But at the moment, something else had caught my eye and it was building a kind of anxiety in my stomach.

It gave me a bad feeling and me being the paranoid shit I am, couldn't get my mind and eyes off of it.

There were about five cars following us, all of different kinds. To anyone, it'd just look like a bunch of cars speeding down a busy street. But I noticed these cars had been behind us ever since we left the hospital and that could not have been be a coincidence.

It was around ten thirty at night, meaning it was dark out and there weren't many vehicles on the road.

I took my eyes off the rear view mirror for a second, literally just a SECOND, and heard a faint 'tick' sound at the moment, and a faint beeping sound following soon after.

The sound was so low, that as long as you weren't paying your undivided attention to your surroundings, you wouldn't been able to hear it.

Realization hit me and my eyes widened. Bomb.

"Get out" I hurriedly exclaimed.

"What?" Alfie questioned, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Get out of the car. Right NOW." I almost yelled, now panicking because I had no idea about how much time was left for the bomb to go off.

And I did not want to die today. Especially not in a car that blew up. That'd not be a cool way to go.

I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and Alfie copied my actions. We both jumped out of the still moving car and rolled towards the sidewalk. The moment we got out, the car we were just sitting in went up in flames, sending me crashing towards the road because of the pressure.

I coughed and got up, but felt a sharp pain shoot up in my right side, where I had landed on. I ignored it and ran towards where Alfie was laying on the ground, making sure he wasn't injured severely.

He groaned and got up from the floor while clutching his side as well. I did a once over and found no severe physical damage on him.

Soon after, all the people from the cars started firing there guns at us while the others got out to attack us with knives and hand to hand.

Damn does the universe really hate me this much? It seriously can't gimme a break now. Can it? Sometimes, I really wonder what I did to piss off the world so much. Like come on, cut me some slack, will you? I have a major concussion for fuck's sake!

Well, might as well take out my frustration with the universe on these bitches.

I pull out two guns from my jacket's inner pockets and hand them over to Alfie, telling him to shoot whoever necessary.

For me, I pull out the gun that I keep hidden strapped on my calf and a dagger from my sleeve. Yes I keep a dagger there. And some knives. Don't judge.

The both of us fire back at them while taking cover behind the walls of the buildings when needed, but we're easily outnumbered.

There were about four people in each car and I could see more cars pulling up to circle us. To their advantage, all of them were protected by the body and the bulletproof windows of their cars which was acting like a shield.

The window of one of the cars opened to shoot at me, but I quickly aimed and shot first. The bullet pierced right through the driver's skull, causing the car to lose control and go crashing into a building along with all the people inside the vehicle.

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