Chapter 31 Everly

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Ashlynn's Pov~

It's been about a week since the whole thing with Charlotte happened. She's actually been steering clear of me the whole time and not bothering me with her unneeded annoying presence.

I did catch her a few times glaring at me deadly, but she immediately looked away the moment I made eye contact with her.

I refuse to believe that she's just given up on her sworn agenda of making my life as miserable as possible. So I'm sure she's just planning her next little act or something.

The other's still acted weird and distant whenever I walk into the same room as them. Their behaviour hasn't changed since the day they found out about me being the Black Flower.

Even though I'm pretty sure they all hate me because of how I broke Charlotte's arm in front of them, (I was so proud of myself) they still couldn't do anything to me because as much as they hate to admit it, they are terrified of me.

Well ofcourse they are. I'm pretty terrifying when I want to be.

Alfie didn't care a single bit that I hurt that little beast and is still trying to mend things.

And when I tell you he's trying, I mean he's trying.

But then again, I was never the easiest fella to forgive and forget.

These days I'm mostly over at the safe house to make sure Chris is holding on fine, even though he's almost fully recovered.

In the past couple of months, Viola and Felix have also gotten really close to him. Ace sees him as a father just as much as I do and even Rio has started to accept him.

Which is a really big thing.

Anyways, the death squad has been receiving numerous threats from anonymous resources but I have a pretty good idea that it's from the Spanish.

Back in Italy, our bases have been attacked quite a few times now by them but they were never able to do any real damage because of the high security we have.

The leader and commander of each attack is the same blonde-haired-silver-eyed girl that attacked me and Alfie the other day when we were getting back.

I know that the hair must be a wig and those silver eyes of hers are just contacts, because nobody will be stupid enough to actually reveal these features in a fight. But, I still can't do anything about it.

My second in command, Devin, has been trying to figure out her identity and has been contacting the undercover spy's we have planted in their bases.

But even they have no idea about who this mystery new girl is, who always wears a robber-like mask.

They claim they've never seen her before, but there have been rumours among the guards there that she's a well kept secret of the Spanish territory.

It's said that she's a great shot, flawless with the way she handles her knives, can kill you before you blink and can vanish from before your eyes even before that.

I've also hacked into the Spanish's security system and the secured files several times, but never found a thing about her.

It's like she doesn't exist.

After hearing all these things about her, I really wanna see face to face what all the craze is about.

I know I've fought her before, but that really wasn't a fair fight. I was exhausted and I'm pretty sure my brain was half asleep or something. Besides, like ninety percent of my body was broken. Literally.

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