Chapter 6 One hell' of a reunion.

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Up till a few years ago, if you'd have told me that I'll become a billionaire and own the most powerful mafia in the world, I would have said you're crazy and walked away from you.

But that all changed about 2 years ago. It had been about a month since I had escaped the god's forsaken place with Ace. Luckily, we got out without dying or getting severely injured.

Not very luckily, we got separated in the crossfire when the guards started shooting at us.

Ace had been at that hellhole for about 2 years now and I had been there for 7. I had been there with him since his day one and eventually, we'd gotten quite close. He had promised to take me back to his house in Germany where he lived with his two elder siblings, after I helped him escape.

But after getting separated, we were both on our own. I had hoped that he'd found his way back to Germany.

Me on the other hand, had nowhere to go. So, I did the only thing that I could think of without getting caught.

I became an underground street fighter. I easily won tons of matches against men three times my size as I've been trained to become a heartless cold blooded killer for 7 years straight.

Eventually, people started fearing me, as the 'Black Flower' because nobody knew my real Identity as I always wore a mask and contact lenses during my fights.

One day, when i was going back to my cheap, single bedroom apartment - don't get me wrong , I had a lot of money from winning a shit ton of fights, but a merely 14 year old buying a luxurious Apartment would raise too much attention and i was still in hiding, so the last thing I needed, was attention.

Anyways, I was going back to my apartment after a fight, i still had my contacts in but had removed the mask. I felt a presence behind me. In a swift movement, i had a dagger in each of my hand and in a minute, the bodies of 5 men dropped to the ground. Each with a sever injury caused by my daggers. Not enough to kill them, but enough to get the hint to stay the hell Outta my way.

I recognised these men as the friends of a guy I won a fight against last week. And let's just say, his ego was hurt a little too much.

In less than a second, the daggers were out of the view. Just as I was about to turn and go back to my apartment, I felt somebody watching me. I looked around with a tight grip on my dagger, which was now in my pocket.

I saw a man, probably in his 40's , walking towards me with a very impressed and shocked look on his face.

"I have to say, that was really impressive for somebody your age." He said with a genuin smile on his face. In return, i was just glaring daggers at him.

"Who are you?" He asked politely. But i didn't budge. Instead, I kept glaring. But he didn't seem to be bothered by it. I don't mean to brag, but most people almost piss their pants when I glare at them with my electric blue eyes. But this man just won't back off.

After he got the hint that i wasn't gonna say anything, he finally said,

"Look kid, I know you're the black flower, I've been watching you fight for some time now. Even though you're really young, you're the best fighter I've ever seen. Just look at these guys-" He pointed to where the 5 injured guys were passed out.

"You took these guys out all by yourself in like a minute. Nobody I've ever met can do that. " He looks at me expectantly but i just gave him a hard glare with calculating eyes. Who the hell is this guy i thought. Usually, i would have attacked him by now, but i actually wanted to know what this guy knew.

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