Chapter 32 Video games

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Ash's POV -

After the whole dinner, me and Ev had a little talk. Soo as it turns out, she actually though I was dead. 

She said that William told her that he had killed me as a part of  punishment for our failed mission. 

She was kept in the hospital for a few weeks to recover from her injuries until she could go back to her missions. But on about the third night, she ran away when the security was at a minimum. 

She ran away and didn't look back, as she thought she was all on her own now. 

Since then, she's been living a normal life and staying away from any such  things that might be related to violence or William in any way. 

Well, atleast that's what she said to me.

After that, she said that we should hang out and get in touch again, just like old times. Well, except for the whole 'getting tortured and beaten up on daily bases' part.

So, today she's coming over to the Dobrev mansion and we're gonna hang out together. 

I also invited Ace, Viola , Felix and Chris over because I didn't want6t things to be awkward as I'm not very good at making conversation with strangers........or people I used to know years ago......

I mean don't get me wrong, I can make all the Mafia deals and attend the meetings confidently because I have to be all bad and intimidating. THAT, I'm good at. 

But socializing like a normal person, yeah, that's not really my thing. 

Besides, if her and Jeremy decide to hang out and spend some time together, there's no way in hell I'm gonna be their third wheel. So yeah.

Also, I feel like I should really talk some sense into her about her standards of men. 

Like she's actually really pretty with her warm brown eyes, chestnut brown hair and the slight British accent she has when she speaks,  And the best she could do was Jeremy?

Seriously? THAT GUY? 

Like even though I am way younger and have absolute no knowledge of the dating world, (Don't judge, I do not need a man in my life to keep me safe or happy or some bullshit), I feel like she deserves way better than that annoying butthead. 

Even though I invited the whole Squad, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna tell Everly about who I am. 

Like sure, maybe I'd like to get to know my ex-thought-to-be-dead-bestfriend again, but I'm not gonna be stupid and blindly tell her all my secrets. 

Besides, if she has no connection to the underworld, she'll barely know who the death squad is. And if Jeremy decides to say something .......... well, he won't. 

He knows better than to do that. I actually wonder if he'll even be able to stutter a word in front of us, considering him and his family shudder at just the thought of the death squad. 

Now imagine their reactions when the whole group is sitting in their house playing video games while munching on snacks like normal teens. 

I know right, Can't wait. 

I heard the doorbell ring and closed my laptop to head downstairs. Entering the living room, I saw the people I call my family spread out on the couches with their feet plopped onto the tables or the armrests of the couches. 

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