Chapter 13 The skill tests.

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"10 MORE" Viola kept shouting at Alfie. I slapped my hand in front of my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

Basically, after the little chat with the one and only grumpy Zack, Vi and I took Alfie to the gym room of the Agency.

It was the biggest room in the Agency, almost taking the whole floor.

All kinds of equipments and weights were available here. Well I'm the one who designed the gym so ofcourse there were.

Viola was making Alfie do sit ups. He'd already done like 20 sets of 50 and Viola had been shouting '10 more' from the last 15 minutes.

He was panting and sweating like crazy on the ground and as much as I hate to admit it, he'd been doing better than I wish he was.

"How are you doing this?! You haven't even broken a sweat!" He exclaimed in shock while looking at me who was still doing my sit ups.

Oh yeah, did I mention she was making me do all the skill tests too?

Yeah. She said, and I quote - "let's see who is the more athletic blood related sibling" Yeah. Don't even-

I mean is that even a question-
Ofcourse me. Duh.

So yeah, Till now, we had already done flexibility test, and concluded that he is not flexible at all. He totally lost in that one.

Next, we did weights. Ok, he did alright in that. I lost by like 30 pounds - it was totally more than that- But well it's not my fault I don't have huge ass muscles and a body like stone.

And then sit ups.

Next we moved onto reflexes. That I know for a fact his reflexes aren't THAT bad. Otherwise he would be .....well dead. Yeah. Remember when I threw my knife in the kitchen at him? Hehe...

For demonstration, Viola threw knives and daggers at me. Yeah, the real ones which will go right through your skin and kill you. But well I easily dodged all of them. And she knew I could, so alright I'll let that pass.

Next, she threw the much less sharper knives at Alfie and he dodged most of them, getting hit by like 5 knives.

Oh well, it ain't gonna kill him.

Then, we moved onto stunts and gymnastics. My personal favourite.

Viola instructed him to perform backflips and front rolls.

When he couldn't do any, she told me to demonstrate it. Oooh this is gonna be funnn.

I got into the position and performed 15 backflips in a row and 10 front rolls after that in a row as well.

Alfie looked like he was gonna pass out from watching this and the tiredness and the real training hasn't even started yet. This is gonna be awesome. *Evil laugh*

For the cartwheels, he did about five in a row. Huh. Not bad.

Ok, now I know he is here just to talk to me and doesn't give a shit about the Agency, but that isn't gonna work. First, I'm not at the Agency that often. Besides, I never work with the regular Agents.

Also, the fact that he wants to join my dad's Agency and isn't loyal towards it at all, yeah No.

After the stunts, we moved onto throwing knives and firing. Targets and aims basically.

He had a good aim but definitely needed to work more on it. The knives however........that's a different story.

Let's just say, you should be atleast 10 yards away when this guy is throwing knives. And even then, you should look out. Yeah it was THAT bad.

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