Road Trip

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Ava's cast came off on Wednesday, so they planned to leave for Wisconsin Thursday morning. Ava didn't love the packing or having to go to the store with Jay and then having to keep herself entertained. She'd napped for about an hour and a half after her cast came off, but she was exhausted.

After dinner, Hailey went to start loading things into the back of the Jeep and Jay was showering. Ava was tired. She just wanted someone to help her with her pajamas, cuddle her, and then tuck her in. So, she put her crayon down and went up to her room, grabbed her night time diaper and some pajamas, then went to find Hailey.

"Haiwey," she called out, going into the garage.

"Yeah?!" Hailey called out. Ava followed the sound of her voice to the back of the Jeep.

"What's up, Aves?" Hailey asked, moving the stroller.

"M tiwed. Hep, pease?" Ava held up her diaper and pajamas, looking up at her sister.

"You're so cute, Ava Grace. Let me finish this and then we'll get ready for bed, baby," Hailey did not expect her sister to stomp her little foot and burst into tears; so far, Ava hadn't been a typical 4 year old and didn't just throw fits.

"No! I'm tiwed! Pease, go to bed!" Ava cried, dropping to the ground as she sobbed.

"Woah, okay, I'm sorry, baby. C'mere," Hailey lifted the little girl up and went into the house, Ava wailing and saying she was tired over and over again the whole time.

"What happened?" Jay asked as he came downstairs.

"She's tired. She asked for help changing and I asked her to wait. She lost it," Hailey sighed, laying Ava on the couch so she could change her.

"Weird. Do you think it's a tantrum or a meltdown?" Jay had discovered the difference between the two in a book he'd been reading about parenting with Hailey.

"I'm thinking more of a meltdown. She's had a really long day and ran around a lot more than she has since we met her," Hailey answered, placing a hand on Ava's stomach to get her attention. "It's okay, you're okay, honey. I'll change you, just breathe."

Ava nodded and her thumb went into her mouth as Jay grabbed her bunny and gave it to her. He sat by her head and stroked her hair while Hailey changed her into a diaper and her pajamas, helping move her so her shirt could be changed. They were glad she'd had a bath after her cast came off because it clearly wouldn't have happened otherwise.

Once she was changed, Hailey lifted Ava up and held her close, trying to soothe her. "Jay, will you please go finish loading stuff into the Jeep? I'm going to go rock her."

Jay kissed both girls on the head and went to the garage while Hailey took Ava upstairs and sat in the rocking chair. Ava settled in her lap, her head pressed to her chest above her heart.

"I sowwy. Am I in twoubwe? Pease, no hit!" Ava grew scared, but Hailey was quick to soothe her.

"No, no, you're not in trouble. Yelling wasn't a good thing to do, but you aren't in trouble. I should've noticed how exhausted you are and helped you get ready for bed earlier. And we will never hit you, Ava. Never. This house is safe. However, if you just yell at us because you don't get what you want, that won't be okay. We use our nice voice always, baby," Hailey stroked Ava's hair as she spoke, feeling the toddler nod.

"Okay, I'm sowwy," she yawned, settling completely.

"It's okay, baby," Hailey rubbed her back and felt Ava grow heavy against her in under five minutes. Glancing at the little clock in Ava's room, Hailey saw that it was still thirty minutes before Ava's bedtime as she put her in her bed and tucked her in.

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