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In hindsight, Hailey and Jay should have known Ava would hate storms. Hailey didn't like them because thunder reminded her of slamming. So, Ava likely would have a bad reaction. For two elite detectives, they were surprisingly shocked when Ava started panicking when a massive clap of thunder woke them just after 6:00 AM.

Ava was still in her own bed when the rain started and slept through it, but when a sudden clap of thunder shook the house, it scared her. She shot up in bed and looked around, clutching her bunny. When it thundered again, she screamed and started to breathe fast. She feared she'd get hurt again. It was loud. Loud was bad. Then the power snapped off, making her nightlight and sound machine go away. All she could see was the flashes of lightning before she took off for her sister, hysterical.

"HAIWEY! HAIWEY, HEWP!" She screamed, crashing into their room and into her sister's legs. Hailey lifted Ava up and started swaying, feeling how horribly the toddler was shaking.

"It's okay, I know it's loud. Breathe for me, baby. Just breathe. It's okay," she repeated over and over again. Ava wouldn't calm down, though. Her crying got worse as it kept thundering.

"Ava, come on, babe, I need you to breathe for me. Follow what I do, I'm here. You are safe," Hailey held Ava to her chest and took slow, deep breaths.

"Hail, we should go downstairs. It's bad out there. I'm pulling it up on my phone and there's hail coming and winds of 80 mph and above," Jay whispered, not wanting to scare Ava more than she already was.

"Okay. I need to change her, she's soaked. Where's my phone?" Hailey looked around in the dark, feeling Ava flinch with every clap of thunder. It was constant.

She found her phone and used the flashlight to get back to Ava's room and change her before going downstairs. "Make it stoppp," Ava wailed, growing hysterical again.

"I wish I could, baby. I've got you and I'll keep you safe," Ava shoved her thumb into her mouth, attempting to self soothe, but another massive clap of thunder had her screaming.

"Okay, let's go down to the basement. It may be quieter and we can watch something on my computer. How does that sound?" Ava nodded into Hailey's chest.

"Hot," she sobbed, squirming. Jay could tell Ava was sweating just from the light of his flashlight, so he got her pajama shirt off to try and keep her cool.

"I'll get your computer and some water and come down," he told Hailey and she went downstairs with Ava.

"Shhh, Aves. It's not as loud down here. I know thunder is scary, but I promise it can't hurt you. You're okay, you're safe," Hailey sat down on the couch with Ava on her chest.

It took a few minutes, but Ava slowly realized that it wasn't as loud down there. She started calming down and accepted her water bottle when Jay offered it to her. She could still feel Hailey's hand rubbing her back, which she liked, and she put her thumb in her mouth.

"There we go, Ava girl. Keep breathing with me. Do you want to watch something?" Hailey asked her.

"Doc," she murmured around her thumb, not moving at all.

Jay used Hailey's laptop to find Doc McStuffins, Ava's current favorite show. She focused on the screen, her little body shuddering occasionally with the aftershocks of her sobs. Jay showed Hailey the radar and she cringed. This wasn't the worst of it. They were in for a long day.

With Ava content on her big sister, Jay went back upstairs to get some stuff, including breakfast for the three of them. Because the power was out, he got cereal and fruit, taking them downstairs with bowls, spoons, milk, and napkins. He then turned on the emergency lanterns they had to give them some light before running back upstairs to get Ava some toys and anything she might need in the next few hours.

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