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Ava spent another 3 days in the hospital. Thankfully, her pain became more manageable and her UTI cleared up, so they were able to work on having her try and use the bathroom during the day, but she struggled with getting onto the toilet and didn't make it very often if they weren't able to help her. And getting down hurt her ribs. So it was a struggle that often ended in tears for poor Ava because she was scared they'd get mad.

After the first break down of having a hard time using the bathroom on her own, they got toddler seats to add to the toilets in the house and stools for the bathrooms to make it much easier for Ava. They couldn't believe they hadn't thought about that before.

Today, she was finally being discharged to go home with them. A social worker had done a house check and background checks on them and all the people they associated with on a regular basis, although the unit still had no idea why Hailey and Jay had suddenly disappeared and wouldn't be back for a few weeks. They'd decided that they would tell the unit everything, including the fact that they'd been married since before Hailey joined the unit, in a couple of weeks. They were excited to take Ava home and get her settled, so they didn't want any extra fuss to overwhelm her.

"Ava, are you excited to come home with us?" Jay asked and Ava nodded as Hailey got the little girl's new crocs out and slid them on her feet.

"Home safe?" She'd been asking that question a lot, having no idea how sad it was.

"That's right, Ava Grace, home will be so safe. Jay and I will not hurt you, you will be able to play anywhere and we will not hurt or yell at you," Hailey confirmed, setting her on the floor.

Ava nodded and grabbed her bunny and blanket, then put her thumb in her mouth. "Do you need to go potty before we leave?" Ava nodded again and Hailey took her to use the bathroom. They were keeping her in "ups" as she called them during the day just to be safe until she could move around easier in a few weeks, but they wanted her to at least be trying to make it.

Once Ava was done, Jay and Will loaded up Hailey's car and the new little family went home. Jay drove Hailey's Jeep (his truck was back at the house) and Hailey sat with Ava since she was anxious. It took them almost 30 minutes to get home and Jay got everything inside while Hailey unbuckled Ava and carried her in.

The little girl looked around in amazement. The house wasn't huge, but it was nice and homey. She liked it. It didn't have holes in the walls or stains or anything mean looking.

"Do you want to see your room?" Jay asked and Ava nodded excitedly.

They took her upstairs and showed her the room. Ava LOVED it. She wiggled out of Hailey's arms and went over to the bed, then looked at them apprehensively. "I touch?"

"You can touch everything in here, baby. It's yours."

Ava set her blanket down on the bed but held her bunny as she felt the bedspread and touched the bed. She loved the flowers on the wall and the canopy, and her books and toys. She was scared it would be taken away, but she loved it and wanted to enjoy it for now.

Hailey leaned into Jay as they watched Ava explore her room. It was so sweet but sad; she still had dark bruises that wouldn't go away for another couple weeks but she looked like a little angel. Her happiness was contagious but Hailey knew the look in her eye—Ava was scared it would be taken away.

"Hey, Ave, I promise we won't take your room away from you. It's okay," Ava went and hugged both of them then went back to her bed and climbed in.

"Are you sleepy?" Jay asked, it was after the time she usually napped and she'd had a long day.

Ava nodded with a yawn. "How about we change your clothes and then you can take a little nap in your new bed?" Hailey offered, getting a nod and Ava carefully sat up like she'd been showed.

Hailey got her sorted and propped up in her bed, made sure the monitor was working, then read her a story until Ava drifted off to sleep. She was kinda surprised Ava went to sleep so fast in a new place, but didn't question it too much. She quietly left the room, keeping the door partially open before walking downstairs and finding Jay.

"Is she asleep?" He asked as he finished making a sandwich.

"Out like a light. I'm not sure how long she'll sleep though since this is a new place," Hailey sat down and grabbed the sandwich he'd made for her, taking a bite.

"True. You have the monitor on, right?" Hailey nodded and Jay got the receiver that showed them Ava was passed out in her bed.

"So we both have time off. I have 4 weeks paid leave, you have 6. Do you have any idea what to do with Ava after the 6 weeks?"

Hailey sighed. "Modify my hours and find a really good daycare or a preschool, but I need to be able to pick her up. We could get a nanny if she doesn't do well with those, but that'll probably cost more."

"Owen stays with a nanny. I bet we could piggy back on payment with Natalie if we don't find something in the next 6 weeks," Jay suggested and Hailey nodded.

They went to their room after eating lunch and were both able to shower and change before Ava started screaming. Hailey was using the bathroom so Jay went to get the little girl.

"Hey, Ava girl, what's the matter?" He asked, going into her room.

"Scawy!" She sobbed, reaching her good arm out to him. Jay lifted her up and swayed as she calmed down then got her changed into a clean pull up.

"Aiwey," she sobbed, her body shaking from her cries.

"Let's go get Hailey," Jay carried her to their room and passed Ava to Hailey. Ava settled with her face nestled into Hailey's neck, calming down.

"Did you sleep okay?" Ava shrugged with her good shoulder and whimpered.

"Owies," she whispered.

"It's time for your Tylenol, Aves, let's go get that and a snack. And you're allowed to watch a little TV now, so we can watch something if you want," Hailey rubbed Ava's back, feeling her nod a little.

They went downstairs and Jay got Ava's medicine while Hailey got the Tylenol. Ava was lethargic, not moving much from her place against her sister, but that was to be expected after everything she'd been through. Natalie told them Ava probably wouldn't be very energetic for another week.

Ava asked for grapes and kiwi as her snack. Fruit was her favorite food, just like it was Hailey's. Well, Hailey loved fruit and chocolate, but it was good to have a food Ava loved that they could feed her any time of day. She needed to gain weight so it would help if she had something she always wanted.

They settled on the couch and ended up watching a show from their childhood that Ava liked, but she dozed off before the episode ended. "Four year olds don't sleep this much," Jay frowned, concerned for the girl his wife now had custody of.

"I know. But concussions are exhausting and if she's anything like I was, she wasn't sleeping a ton before this out of fear, so she needs the rest."

Ava napped for another hour before Jay woke her up and they took her with them to pick up Panera for an early dinner. She loved soup and even tried some of Jay's salad, which she liked. After dinner, they carefully gave her a bath and settled her in pajamas after giving Ava her prescriptions. The small child fell asleep on Jay's lap in her bed while he read her a book and she didn't stir when he transferred her to her bed. Day one was done.

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