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"We're the Care Bears, and we CARE about you!"


"Friend Bear is a kind and friendly bear who shows what it means to be a good friend by learning that the best way to make friends is to just be yourself!"

Sweaty palm gripping the armrests.

"Everything grows better with love!"

"Oh, goody, goody, gosh!"

"Aw, don't be such a Deborah Downer, Grumpy Bear!"

"Friendship, happiness, and understanding-"

"I love you, Cheer Bear."

"I love you, too, Sleepy Bear!"

"What's wrong, Mentally Unstable Bear? Do you need yOur StArigHt jaCKeT aGAin?"

"Don't be afraid when clouds are brewin' in your heart~!"

Vin snapped to his feet, "OH GOD NO, PLEASE, I CAN'T TAKE THE FUCKING THEME SONG. THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME; FUCK! GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE-" He threw a leg over the set of seats in front of him and tried to escape, ignoring the horrified looks the family of four were giving him as his foot stomped into their bucket of popcorn, which the little girl had been holding.

A hand fisting the back of his shirt halted his getaway, hauling him back onto his seat into the furthest row in the movie theater.

Damian glared at him darkly, tightly withholding his forearm from movement to dissuade another attempt at freedom. "If I must endure two hours and thirty minutes of anthropological bears capable of human verbality and unwanted lessons on love and understanding, then so do you." He hissed.

Adjacent to them, Jon was watching the screen, transfixed, munching away at his third family-size order of nachos. Thankfully, the boy seemed distracted or happy enough to completely disregard the growing aura of black surrounding his two friends.

Three lads walked out of the Metro Theater. One was skipping contently while the other two appeared to have just survived a particularly brutal war. That, or a season of The Bachelorette.

The brunette stumbled on his unsteady feet and braced one hand against the wall, hunched over as if to upend the contents of his stomach. The spiky-haired boy joined him and silently stared at the sidewalk. The third, blue-eyed boy was off at a nearby vendor ordering a purple and green swirled tuff of cotton candy. Both traumatized males couldn't bring themselves to move their exhausted bodies.





Both were quiet after the small exchange. They were granted a mere four minutes of peace before the labrador puppy they had both accidentally adopted came bounding up to them with colorful strings of candy lining his mouth and parts of his cheeks.

"Dami! Vincent! That movie was great, right?! I've wanted to see it forever, but Hardwin kept saying that Care Bears: The Ultimate Caring was for girls or babies." He scoffed. "He was wrong, though; it was awesome!" He jumped in the air excitedly. Vin and Damian watched him with weary, severely un-fucking-amused eyes.

Vin deadpanned, "I would impale the person who made this movie on a burning pike if I wasn't too busy curling up into an existential ball on the theater floor."

"Considering my current feeling of intense rage for multi-colored bears who appear to be under the influence of narcotics," Damian started. "That excruciating excuse for a film should be labeled an accessory to modern crime." His hard, monotone drawl heightened as his sheer anger and displeasure were made more imminent.

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