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Damian tch'd as Bertinelli walked away, presumably towards his own home. It was strange that he didn't use a mode of transportation like many other idiotic imbeciles of this place. But, as he has learned from these past couple of days, Bertinelli wasn't at all similar to those buffoons. 

Though he still had a penchant for being annoying and taking advantage of his irritations.

Speaking of irritations...

"Sooooo, who was that Lil' D?" Grayson asked in a cajoling tone, nudging him.

Across from him, Drake didn't look up from his phone but smirked. "That was Vincent Bertinelli." He said in a mockingly dreamy tone, not unlike the manner of the monkeys with painted faces warning him away from Bertinelli at lunchtime, saying that he should like, totally, for sure sit with them instead.

"Not that it is any of your business," Damian paused to shove off Todd's arm where it came to use his head as a resting place. "But we are merely partners on an art project. Nothing more."

"Ooh, group projects." Todd leered. "The basis of many high school romances." He ruffled his hair, and Damian felt justified in chomping his unwanted fingers.

Todd yanked his hand back, cursing, "You fu-"

"Language, Master Jason." Pennyworth hummed from the front as he took a turn.

"YOU MADE A FRIEND?!" Grayson practically screamed, grinning like a maniac. That insane, green-haired clown could take notes.

"Oh, boy-" Drake began, his eyes widening as he scrambled away from Grayson.

"He's gonna blow!" Todd added and threw himself out of Grayson's warpath. Damian tried to dodge as Grayson leaped at him but was ultimately caught up in the man's rib-crushing embrace.

"Dami, I'm so proud! I'm so happy! I'msoproudandhappy!" Grayson sobbed, wetting the fabric of his uniform and a part of his neck.

"Congratulations, Master Damian," Pennyworth said idly.

"GRAYSON, RELEASE ME!" Damian kicked and struggled, trying to break the titanium hold pinning his arms to his sides.

Suddenly, Grayson gasped and unlocked his arms, making him fall onto Todd's lap. "We have to have him over!" The eldest decided.

"NO!" He sat up quickly. He couldn't tell them about Saturday.

"YES!" Todd argued with a grin that showed all of his teeth.

"I'll text B," Drake said, taking a sip of his late-afternoon coffee. Damian tackled him, trying to grab the device. Drake struggled to hold it out of reach, texting with one hand as he held back Damian by the collar of his uniform with the other.

"Huh? What the hell is this?" He heard Todd say. His head snapped towards Todd, who was reaching towards where his school bag had toppled over off of this seat. The paper was facing downwards, but he knew it was the drawing of the robin given to him by Bertinelli.

"NOTHING!" He barked, yanking the paper away from anyone's reach and quickly putting it inside his bag.

Todd sat back, and his hands held up in surrender. "Shit, Demon Spawn, chill the fuck out."

Damian steamed at all of them and huddled himself and his bag into the corner of the seat, observing them all and snapping his teeth at anyone who got too close.

 "DAMI MADE A FRIEND, DAMI MADE A FRIEND!" Grayson squealed like a little girl as soon as they entered the dining room.

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