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Vin scowled at nothing in particular as Mrs. Pio droned on about the merits of To Kill a Mockingbird and how social divides were much more apparent than they are now, how the upper class was so much more privileged and left their leftovers to the middle and lower class to the scrounge on. 

Seriously? This is a school that caters to the rich; it has its lunch menu flown in internationally and has guarded gates surrounding it to keep the gross paupers from entering its perfectly-watered and luscious lawn.

Vin loved To Kill a Mockingbird, but this school, just like its headmaster, kept finding more creative ways to ruin everything he remotely enjoyed.

He glanced at his wristwatch superstitiously and mentally sighed with contempt, this was the first period, and it hadn't even been fifteen minutes. The same girl was texting her manservant, a different one probably judging by the absolute meltdown she had in the cafeteria yesterday when the fish in her sushi was slightly cooked instead of straight-up raw. The same boy made the same beeping noises by clicking his pen in an irritating rhythm. And the same student of unknown gender was in the corner staring at their dead skin pile collected on their desk and breathing heavily, their left eye twitching now and again.

Vin groaned silently and let his head fall into his palms. God, I hate this fucking school. He prayed for someone to put him out of his misery. And, as if sent by the angel Michael himself, a sharp knock sounded on the classroom door. Mrs. Pio ceased in her lecture and put down her copy of To Kill a Mockingbird she had been reading excerpts from to answer it.

"Who is-? Oh!" She exclaimed. "The new student! Yes, Mr. Wayne, come in, come in." She ushered the tan boy into the room and shut the door behind him. Vin sat up in renewed interest, as did the rest of the class at the sound of Wayne.

"Class, this is Damian Wayne," Mrs. Pio introduced the last name that needed no introduction. Everyone knew the Waynes, after all. "He will be transferred to our school for the duration of his education. Damian, why don't you introduce yourself?" She encouraged him. Damian gave her a look that made Vin hide his snort behind the hand he was resting his chin on.

"You have already introduced me." Is all Damian said in a blank tone with a scowl that Vin was beginning to realize to be his default expression. The room was veiled in silence momentarily until small whispers started cropping up amongst his classmates.

Mrs. Pio also seemed to be at a loss, "Yes- well- class, quiet!" She didn't quite yell so much as admonish the class before addressing the new student. "Damian, why don't you choose a seat? There are two available, one next to Ms. Dacquoise and one with Mr. Bertinelli. Jacqueline, Vincent, raise your hands, please!"

Vin rolled his eyes (who has that much trouble finding an empty seat?) but raised his hand nonetheless, yawning and letting his eyes close in boredom. No one ever chose to sit next to him. The person in front and even diagonal to him had to be coerced heavily into doing so.

That's what you get when you have a reputation, I suppose...

He was brought out of his thoughts at the sound of brushing fabric to his left. Looking over, he was somewhat surprised and yet not at all when he saw one Damian Wayne sliding into the seat next to him instead of the one with Jacqueline. She looked steadily disappointed and pouty through her army layer of foundation and waterproof mascara.

Damian didn't spare him a glance and pulled out his spiral notebook, flipping it open to the first page. It had a black cover and DAMIAN WAYNE written neatly in sharpie on the inside of the cover. As Mrs. Pio began her lecture once more, Vin couldn't help but flicker his gaze to the boy next to him. He noticed that Damian didn't seem to be paying attention to the teachings, nor was he taking notes. As he followed the other boy's pencil, he could see that he was outlining something with a circular shape.

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