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Monday brought a tense and uncomfortable air between the fledgling friendship of the Bertinelli and Wayne heirs. They walked together to each class and ate under the staircase, putting up false pretenses. They wouldn't let the other become suspicious. However, they couldn't help but steal small glances at each other when the other boy wasn't looking.

Vin could easily see the similarities between the Boy Wonder and his grumpy schoolmate and wondered how he hadn't made the connection until it was shoved in front of his eyes. Though it wasn't like he had had any direct contact with the vigilante during his night job. He'd heard through his grandpa and father's troops that the traffic light-themed vigilante was known to be more ruthless and cutthroat than the previous Robins. That fit Damian's modus operandi to a T.

Damian scanned the other up and down once more while Bertinelli reached for a book on a taller shelf in the library. The boy was charismatic, using a smile and cheeky wink to charm his foe. He couldn't discern any physical tells that gave him away, so he was possibly trained to conceal them. Bertinelli had that mindful awareness which he covered in a veneer of nonchalance. 

Though the school's reaction to the boy was the biggest clue. Avoiding him by any means necessary and whispers, following the scion like ghosts to the wind everywhere he went. He was kicking himself for not questioning it earlier, especially with glaringly obvious records of the Bertinelli family's accusations on public record.

Vin coughed into his fist to gain his attention. "So. Finish your half of the art project?" His dark eyebrows were tense, and his demeanor was guarded.

Damian nodded jerkily, "Yes."

"Great. Bring them in tomorrow, and we can piece 'em together?"



Vin closed his front door behind him and sighed, leaning his body's weight against it. Thank god he was finally home. His shoulders slumped with such a sudden slackness that he felt his neck muscles strain.

Just when I thought I was making a friend I could manage to keep...

He shook his head. Being born into this life, this power, there was no room for friends. Only blood and allies you held at arm's length.

How dare he... use me like that... 

His chin dropped to his collarbone limply. He shouldn't show such weakness where anyone could see him, but screw it. He had gained and lost the only friend he would ever have within a measly month.

"Hey, kiddo." A gruff, gentle voice said. It echoed throughout the large entryway.

Vin didn't bother looking up. He was too exhausted to do much more than stumble to his room and collapse on his bed like some rejected, pathetic teenage girl. "Hey, Leo." He mumbled.

A sigh. "Alright. I was the one who looked into your friend and his family. Your grandpa and Da had suspicions, but I did the digging. I'm sorry, kiddo. You have to know I only want the best for you."

Vin wasn't very surprised. Leonardo had always been protective of him since he was a baby. The man would stop at nothing until he found the truth, and this led him to discover one of Gotham's most heavily guarded secrets. The Waynes and The Bats. "S'fine." A thought crossed his mind, and his head snapped up. "How many people know?" Damian may be on the opposite side, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stomach it if his family hurt the boy or his kin. Or worse, if their identities got out to the rest of the criminal underworld because of some loose lips...

That damned little traitor.

"Only your Grandpa, Da, and me." Leo nodded with a sad look as Vin sighed in relief.

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