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"God, what a damn lunatic," Vin grumbled in Italian as he hiked away from the scar-obsessed Victor Zsasz. The man, for all his... zeal, had agreed to give them the information they wanted easily enough.

If. Always an if. He would talk if he could slice into their skin once each, shoulder to wrist. Vin was going to tell the man to fuck off, he really was (and inquire as to how he got a lethal weapon in this place). There was just the unfortunate coincidence that he had to get his friend out of Arkham and making enemies wasn't the way to go about doing that.

In the beginning, he tried to barter with Zsasz (bargaining with a sociopath, how about that) to cut (ha) it down to just him being sliced, but the man was shrewd and unmovable.

So here they were, walking away with two fresh scars dripping blood on their arms and a tip-off that Jai Khatri had been in the civil attorney Alex Bretman's apartment the night of his murder (dismemberment with a lubed-up screwdriver lodged into his- cough).

Since Block D wasn't trusted to be let out for anything other than eating, they didn't have yard time. So their recreation time was spent in their cell, playing cards and ignoring Tweedledee and Tweedledum's mini, but damn loud fight that consisted of slapping each other like children. Meanwhile, Vin was teaching Damian the inner workings of Go Fish. He had only played Blackjack and Poker before with his family when his father wanted to show off his capable son to his business associates. Vin was tired of both, and Damian didn't know any card games whatsoever. A win-win.

"You have any fours, 'Bin?" Vin was lying back, slumped against the wall. He was half-asleep, but it was fun to watch Damian's eyebrows furrow every time it was his turn to guess what was in Vin's deck. Everything was guessing, and it was clear that the boy wasn't a fan of estimating. He reluctantly handed his four over to Vin.

"Do you have any sixes?" Damian asked in his prim, trying-to-look-unbothered voice.

"Nope." He smiled to himself as Damian gave a frustrated grunt, scowling at the white rectangles in his hands. "Got any aces?"

Damian looked up and glared at him. Vin tried to contain his laughter but burst into hysterics a moment later as the Boy Wonder threw down the single card he had left, revealing it to be an ace of spades.

"You cheated." The vigilante grumped, crossing his arms.

"And you're pouting." Vin threw back gleefully.

"I am not." Damian insisted through his sulking.

"You definitely are."

"Cease your wild accusations, Spade." He growled, white lens narrowing into slits.

"Spoken like a true pouter."


Harley cooed loudly, dissuading their argument momentarily. "You two are so sooooo cute!" She squealed, jumping up and down with hyper vigor in her cell.

"Scusi?" Vin blinked, stumped at her exclamation. Damian simply rose a brow at the questionably sane woman kept across from them.

"Why, you two, of course! You're like two nine-year-olds holding hands, it's so precious!" Her delighted giggles rang through the area. "Ah, young love." She sighed happily.

H- Wh-?

"Wait a minute-" Vin.exe managed to sputter out through his hard reboot.

"We are not-" Damian began.

"Oh, you don't need to hide it, Wonder Boy!" She shut down their protests. "We're all friends here if you ignore how you got us thrown in here and how you and your mob boyfie beats most of these ASPDs senseless!" She chirped to the traffic light-themed vigilante (even though they were sporting stylish, neon orange prison regalia at the moment).

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