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I drove in my car and knocked at a door. He opened the door and exclaimed

"Ning!! How are you still alive? I buried you myself with my own hands."

Well, he was mentor aka boss aka my non-blood related dad figure.
Huff..which also means he was clingy, supportive yet emotional.

"We need to talk"

*20 min of excruciating pain of explaining in brief, of course.*


" No time, as I explained. First, track down the origin of the bombs and who is collecting. And second, this is yours. "

I handed him a pen drive, saying.

"This is the most important thing that belonged to me. It contains AI technology that can be used for making nuclear codes, satellite control, and even break out wars."

"Are you going to give it to me??"

Saying this, I smashed the pen drive with my heel.
"Sorry Marry, no hard feelings"

"Are you insane, it could have been used for the good of the country"

"Rule number one - Don't trust anyone"

He was stunned. But he knew it's not the time to argue. He took out his laptop and started typing on it. He took a paper and wrote down the coordinates.

I got on my bike and headed towards the given coordinates. I pulled up the shutter to see about a gazillion of people staring at me.

"Who are you?"

"I am Shadow."

They all attacked me at once. I took my knife out and slit their throats and stabbed them in the chest. In this process, I tripped over some people to make my way to see three bulky men approach towards me. Two of them held me on the ground while the other punched my face, making it swell up. I bled a lot as I blacked out. I woke up to find myself getting carried by those men upstairs. I pretended to sleep as they entered the room. I was sure it was the room of the mastermind. I attacked the man who was carrying me, behind the neck. I flipped the other one and broke his neck while shooting the other in the head. I turned around to look at my enemy. To get shocked in terror. I saw something that was unexpectable. As it was non-other than my brother.

The boy who protected me in my childhood now, was ready to kill me at any point.

"My, my, my. Look who it is, my old lost sister."


"Hello, Ning. Now, why don't you put that gun down, and we can talk about the old days."

"Do you know how many people you have killed??"

"Urgh.. Did you think I have any interest in listening to your lecture? Ning, come to me, we can build our own world, where only we rule."


"So stubborn. It's your last chance, humming bird. "

"Go to hell"

"As you say."

We started a battle that I never wanted, but it was my duty. And my duty came first.

He picked up a machete and came towards me. I slid under the table as he broke the table in two halves with the machete. I aimed for his head as he dogged it.

"Missed" he mocked me.

I took a cushion as he cut it in halves. The feathers flew, causing a distraction, I kicked him in the stomach as he fell down, causing him to lose the machete. He got up as I threw my gun and my knife to be fair. Our combat began. He dodged all the punches as I kicked him in his knee. He kneeled as I gave him a knee kick and made his nose bleed while he flipped me in the air and overpowered me. I chocked him as he punched me. I was reluctant to let him go. I kicked him in his scrotum. He fell on the ground in pain as I regained my power. I broke a chair near me on his head. He took out a knife out of his socks and stabbed me in my leg. I backed up. He marched up to me, as I took out the knife from my leg, as I pulled it out, blood gushed out. I went to hide in the factory as, if the blood continued to flow, I would have lost my consciousness. I had some alcohol and some thread, hence I took my earring and broke the end. I disinfected my wound and stitched it. I got up and took the knife with me. I saw him coming my way, I sat patiently. Then thought of a plan. I set on the fire alarm, which made the water sprinkler activate. I came out as I kicked him in the face. He tried to hit my wounded leg constantly. I climbed the wall and bounced back on his shoulder. I took out the knife and slit his throat. It all ended with a weird silence. But it was not the end, as the bomb still needed to be deactivated. I rushed towards the control room and as I was about to deactivate it, a pop-up came up. That the bomb will activate with in 60 seconds, and it needed a password to deactivate it. I thought about it for a while and recalled the past. Ron was an orphan and never knew his birthday, so not his birthdate. He didn't have anyone except me. But I never told him about my birthday as well. I thought for a while. When it ticked me.

I typed H-U-M-M-I-N-G-B-I-R-D. I saw the bombs get defused in all the locations it were planted in. I typed my mentor that the work was done and gave him a detailed report on removing the bombs and to send an operation team to clear up the mess here.

I went to a hill where I frequently visited to clear my mind. I took some beer with me and enjoyed it there. I felt relived as I knew I was going to die and leave my past, present and future here. I gulped down my beer as I fell asleep. 


Please this is a request from the author that before reading the next chapter please take a small break as it will give a more thrilling experience while reading.

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