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It was finally the day I dreaded the most. My parents didn't contact me after the fight, nor did they come to my wedding. I looked at myself in the mirror as Ying was preparing me for the ceremony.

"Miss, today you are looking very beautiful."

"Thank you, Ying."
"If you were not here, maybe everything would have been 10 times difficult for me."

"Miss, is there something going on."

"No there isn't. You don't have to worry about me."

I got up and headed towards the main hall. My throat was dry. While chills ran down my spine. This was it. This was what I feared, walking through that door. I already knew my fate. I saw Zhao waiting for me in front of the family altar. Waiting to get married to me. He smiled at me and whispered in my ear that I looked stunning. I smiled and just replied with a sorry. He was confused, but we continued to pray. I was anxious.
When we were about to bow to eachother suddenly, the door opened with a loud bang.
Mrs. Yang walked in, as some men guarded the others from coming towards me. The Emperor was shocked, he exclaimed in utter disbelief
"Mrs. Yang!! You are alive??"

"Well, yes, but it's not the time to talk, your majesty."
"Xue, hurry"

I rushed towards her as she took out a knife from the bag and slit a cut on my finger. She poured my blood into a stone bowl. She backed me up and poured in something while reciting a spell. When, suddenly, a portal opened. She said to me that this will take me to my home.

"But I cannot go like this in a wedding dress."

"Well, that won't be a problem. As you will leave this body or die."


She snapped, and my body fell on the ground as my soul left my body.

I looked at myself, as she clasped her hands and spoke a few words that made no sense. I was transparent when I regained a body after the chant. Everyone in the hall was stunned and murmuring within themselves.
I looked at my cloths to see I was in my old outfit with blood covered on it. Well, now I get it, why everyone was staring at me. Umm... If you thought it was for the blood, it was not as I was wearing a tight black suit, that, you know, had cuts and a wide chest cut showing my cleavage. Well, it was an outfit from the 21st century, after all.

"You have 24 hours. You will disappear after that, as you were previously dead." warned Mrs. Yang

Zhao spoke up.
"What is happening??"
"Why, who are you? You know what, I don't care who you are, I only know that you are my Xue."

"ZHAO!! I AM NOT XUE. I am Ning Wei."
"Just read the letter on my bed."

I rushed in the portal with tears in my eyes. I looked up and saw I was in my old room. I was overwhelmed with emotions of guilt and sadness. I started weeping when something spoke up.

"Welcome Ning. How have you been"
"We have new notifications."


She was a holographic software aka my virtual assistant whom I built when I was 14 years old. I wiped my tears and got up
"What's the update Marry? Give my all the intel."

"You have received a message about a bomb blast that will occur in 7 different states."

"How much time do we have?"

"About, two hours"

*On the other side*


It was not the first time Zhao lost someone. He also lost his mother at the age of seven. He trembled in fear as he held my body and cried. My mom approached him.

" I know how you feel, but she has her own war to fight now. Wait for her. If god really exists, then she will come back."

*Back to the Mission.*

I took my best guns and knifes and headed out for the battle yet to commence. I knew that I couldn't find these bombs in this short time, so it was the best option to destroy the source and stop the roots from spreading. But before that, I needed to reach out to someone.

Q & A baka

1. Who do you think the person is? If you have an idea, comment down below.

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