The Royal Place

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I peeked through the window as I entered the palace. It was grand and beautiful. Many people were present there to attend the banquet.

As I stepped out of my carriage. Yin spoke up.

'Wow, miss, it is so beautiful. '

I chuckled and said,

"Well, sure it is. "

All of a sudden, a man approached us and said

"Good evening, marquis general, before the banquet begins, you and your family can rest in the guest house."

We headed the way where the man was leading us. As we entered our respective rooms and settled down. The royal maids kindly bought us some snacks to enjoy while we waited.

I, on the other hand, was curious and anxious to explore this magnificent palace.

I quietly left the house through the window. As the others were talking

After walking for a while, I reached a garden with gorgeous flowers.

A cherry blossom tree caught my attention, as I walked towards it. The wind rustled, the flowers from the tree showered on me, leaving a beautiful fragrance. I closed my eyes to find a sign of relief. I was enjoying the peace within me.

When suddenly someone spoke up.

"Well, well, who's the beauty here."

I looked up to find a man sitting on a branch of the tree. His face was hidden by a mask and a fan was in his hand.

He suddenly jumped down the tree as it was nothing to him. Seeing his physical strength, I knew it was easy for him to take me down.

I spoke up.
" Who are you? "

The man came close to my face, a few inches apart.
He lifted my chin with his fan and replied.
" Is it really that important, my dear".

I blushed as I felt my heart skip a beat.

Suddenly, Yin shouted from behind.

"Miss, where are you? Your father is calling you."

As I turned around, the man disappeared in thin air. That night, I couldn't stop thinking about that mysterious man. I flustered as I remembered the time when we nearly kissed. I suddenly got up and shouted aloud. " No, you can't like someone so easily."

I slapped myself in the cheeks.

When a familiar voice spoke up.

"Aww, did you miss me."

It was the man I saw earlier. He was sitting on my window sill.

I stuttered. " Who are you and why do you always appear unannounced?"

I was unknown of whom this man was. I knew it was not safe to drop my guard in front of him. I knew the palace could be a dangerous place for me, so I had already planned a few tricks under my sleeves, which I had prepared the night before coming to the royal palace.

I made different types of poisons and acids with my knowledge achieved from my previous life.

I suddenly threw a bottle of poison at him. To realised it was the wrong bottle. I yelled at him.

"Doge, it is sulphuric acid"

He swiftly blocked it with his fan and tossed it, so he could balance it to fall on his fan. As the acid dropped on his fan, he saw the fan disintegrating into ashes. He mumbled to himself," it's so powerful."

I was relieved that nothing had happened. I demanded him to return me the bottle.

He spoke up. " It's not safe to keep dangerous things like this, little kitty. Hence, It's mine from now."
"But where did you get such a powerful acid?"

I frowned as I replied
"It's none of your business".

The man spoke up." Okay, little kitty, relax."

I shouted at the man" I am not a little kitty".

The man chuckled and spoke up in a mocking voice. "Well, YES, you AREN'T"

I said, "come to the point, who are you? It is not that easy for anyone to enter the palace at their own will, which means you are someone from the palace."

"And even if you are, why are you after me"

He grinned and said," Aren't you a little curious cat.
Well you see little kitty, I am interested in you. So I won't leave your side wherever you go until the end of the world."

"Hmnp, It looks like I have to go, see you later kitty."

He winked at me and jumped off through the window and disappeared in seconds.

I was confused by what happened. I couldn't pull it in together.
I anyhow calmed myself for the night. And prepared for the next day.

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