The Spring Festival

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It was the spring festival, and I was already waiting at the give place and time. I looked around if anyone was nearby watching me. I was at an unknown place, waiting for someone who ''claimed'' to be my mother. Furthermore, I was prepared for anything, as it can always be a trap. After about seven minutes, a man appeared from, behind the bushes. But when he came in the light, I saw that it was a woman in disguise. In the hosts' memory, the woman appeared to be in the portraits around the manor.

Is this really my mother and if she is, then why was she never around, when the host was young?? I know that she was dead about 16 years ago, then how is she back to life again?
Everything was a mess in inside my head when the woman caressed my face.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I know that you are confused, but we need to get to a safe place first."

We went through a road leading up on the hill. There was a secret passage through which we entered. I saw a shed near a waterfall. As we entered the shed, she turned to me and offered me to take a seat. She gave me some tea as we started talking.

" I know you won't believe me, but I already knew you were destined to come here."


"Yes, as I said, it's hard to believe, but this is the truth. I am a fortune-teller. Well, you see, 20 years ago your stepmom did everything in her power to kick me out of the house and her life. And she did by framing me that I killed her son. "

"Son?? Does that mean that Mei is the second daughter?"

"Yes, she is. I was kicked out as his highness could not kill me. He loved me way too much."

"If that was it, then why did she marry Mrs. Ling??"

"He was forced to. The Emperor made a decision to make Mrs. Ling marry Fu. To learn afterwards that she earned the Consorts favour and got into Fu's life. She even killed her own kid.
After I was kicked out, I had nowhere to go, not even my own hometown was safe for me. I was fighting with death when I was taken in by the Zoros. They are a tribe that belongs to the northern region. They were known to be extinct for their healing abilities and magic. Not only that, they were crowned by the royals and titled for their abilities. Unfortunately, they broke out into a war for some reason. They healed me and showed their way of living. I discovered my skills and interests and became what I am today."

"So, what am I here for??"

"To tell you that your country of your origin is in danger"


"I don't know the exact reason, but I have informed you about what I saw."
"And I can send you there, but only in one cost"

"And what is it??"

"You have to prove me innocent on your wedding day. In front of everyone."


"Good. Then I'll meet you at your wedding."

I went back home feeling gloomy. For once, I thought I was happy, but my responsibilities just strangled all my dreams. I was completely shattered, I experienced many peoples love. It was the first time I lived like a normal human being and not just a killing machine. I knew I had a great responsibility. Though I want to be free, I can't be selfish, as the people in that world are also a part of my family.

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