Chapter X - Visions

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Xavier sat down on a stool and wiped his forehead. Bianca had come to visit him for a while, which was good. He needed some positive energy today anyway.

After everything that has happened, he needed a minute to breathe.

A strong knock rang on the studio's door. He raised an eyebrow and opened the door. There stood Wednesday, with a helmet on that was huge for her head. It was tilted foreword so Xavier couldn't see her eyes.

"Hey, Wednesday?" Xavier asked wryly. "Why are you here?"

The two went inside and Tyler peeked over the side to see if they were gone. "Well, that was easy." He said.

Wednesday nodded. "Having a shapeshifter impersonate was a very good idea of yours."

"Well, It wasn't all my idea." Tyler teased.

"Moving on, I was hoping we could try and find evidence today." Wednesday said.

"But what if he confesses to everything?" Tyler asked, peeking again just to make sure they were gone.

"Xavier isn't one to do that." Wednesday explained. "He only does that when he absolutely has to."

"Good man." Tyler muttered. "But, what are we going to do when we find the evidence? We both know my dad isn't going to do jack shit so."

Wednesday looked down at the ground. "Well, I haven't gotten that far into the plan. But, I'll have it later. For sure."

Tyler rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. "Alright, we should get moving."

Wednesday nodded the two walked as stealthily as they could. 

Also known as Wednesday being on Tyler's shoulders and Tyler sprinting. 

Very stealthy.


Enid scanned over the laboratory. "There's got to me something in here." She muttered. "But, what?"

'I'm sure you'll find something.' Thing signed. 'Whatever you're looking for.'

"I'm looking for a bit of evidence." Enid said. "I was the one who found Wednesday but I didn't look around at all." She tied her hair into two buns. 

'But, Wednesday already told us who did it.' Thing replied. 'And the reason he tried to do it is clear.'

"But no-one gets that jealous." Enid protested.

'You'd be surprised.' Thing shivered.

"Men." Enid said, bending down and looking in the drawers. "Nothing. Shit."

Thing crawled off her shoulder and ran off somewhere. He returned shortly after with a knife in his fingers. 

Enid's eyes widened. "Where did you find this?" She asked, taking the knife from him.

Thing pointed forward. Enid stood up and walked over towards where Thing was pointed. The faint smell of blood smacked her in the face and she wrinkled her nose. "Well, now I understand why a knife was there." 

Then, out of nowhere.

Enid was hit in the back of the head with something. Her body collapsed and dropped the knife onto the ground. The person grabbed her foot and started to drag her away, the sound of her body lightly scrapping the floor filling the room.


Wednesday turned over Xavier's mattress, Tyler catching everything the fell off it. 

"Might I ask why we're looking in his room?" Tyler asked. "I'm pretty sure he wouldn't hide anything in here."

The Woe of Love, Such Sorrow || Wedler (Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin)Where stories live. Discover now