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There are moments in life where all eyes on you. Just like an argument there are two sides to everyone's eyes. For and against. They're in control of how they look at you but you're in control of how they see you. To look is to glance but to see is to know.

The lights are dim, impossible to see someone more than seven metres away. The crowd is wild, banging aggressively against the cage surrounding the ring. All he sees is his opponent, something stood in his way, all he sees is his obstacle.

Walking towards the ring, the crowd becomes louder. And louder. And more restless. Each and everyone of the viewers itching for the fight to begin. The two men meet in the middle, the ref standing between them and yelling some incomprehensible words and warnings.

The two men bang their boxing gloves together and separate to a different end of the ring. The bell sounds and they're instantly together again: throwing punches, dodging hits, falling down, getting up.

There's a chant in the crowd along with the banging against any hard surface. And then silence. Axton Forbes is down. He falls to his knees, clutching his arm after blocking a hit from his opponent. His head snaps to the side as Kayden Black's fist connects with his face and he falls back, onto the ground.


The sound of a cane hitting the floor echoes throughout the hospital. The brunette walks slowly down the hallway holding onto her older brother's arm. They approach a large desk with a formally dressed woman sat behind.

She looks up and presses the call button, 'Dr Woodland, the De Russo's are here to see you'.

Rihanna reaches up and adjusts the black sunglasses covering her eyes.

'You can make your way through' the woman nods with a small smile.

'Thank you' Silas nods and leads his sister through into the office.

They walk into the grand office, Dr Woodland stands up from his desk and greets them with a warm smile.

'Rihanna, Silas how are you both today?' Dr Woodland asks, sitting back down.

'Today? Today I'm still blind' Rihanna crosses one leg over the other, 'so can we skip the formalities, please?'.

Woodland nods, 'your eyes obviously aren't responding to our therapy' he sighs, 'my team has come up with another alternative option but it's risky'.

'What's the option?' Silas asks.

'Surgery to restore your vision' Woodland says.

'Ok when can we do it?' Rihanna asks.

'Rihanna, the surgery has only a 25% chance of being successful' Woodland informs them.

'25%? Is that it?' Silas asks rhetorically.

'So there's a 75% chance the surgery will fail' Rihanna sighs, 'do it then'.

'Rihanna that's 15 out of 20 people who will go home with nothing' Woodland explains.

'And five that will' she shrugs, 'look if it doesn't work then we'll just carry on with the therapy'.

Woodland shakes his head, 'when I said go home with nothing I meant a 0% chance of ever being able to see again'.

'So, she can either risk it all or risk waiting for nothing to happen?' Silas scoffs, 'the amount of science that has evolved and you still can't do a procedure with over 25% success rate?'.

'Just do the surgery' Rihanna orders.

'Riha-' Silas begins.

'Dr Woodland said the therapy could take up to 50 years for my body to eventually begin to even accept it I can't wait that long. A ballerina's career is over by 35 at a push. I can't have this other option that could potentially work and just waste it' Rihanna shakes her head, 'I need this surgery'.

The room is silent, Woodland pulls out a folder and opens it to a page before pushing it towards Rihanna. He places some ink on top of the page and looks up at them both.

'All you need to do is sign the paper and we can move on with the arrangements' Woodland nods his head.

Rihanna holds up her hand, Woodland takes it and presses the ink to her thumb before placing her hand on the page. The doctor looks down and flips the page to another dotted line.

'This line is for Silas' Woodland looks to him, 'sign that you agree to let her go ahead with the surgery'.

'Well I don't' he shrugs, 'I won't be signing it'.

'What?' Rihanna breathes out, 'this is my chance to see again and you're going to refuse'.

'Riha you've got a greater chance of seeing again through therapy' Silas stands from the chair.

'That could take decades' Rihanna sighs, 'I won't need my eyes by then'.

'Thank you for your time doctor' Silas pulls Rihanna up from her chair and places the cane in her hands, 'we'll contact you for the next therapy session soon'.

POV: I'm indecisive Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang