Chapter 39

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Tiago and I spring apart and look at the three intruders.

No! Why them? Why not some stranger?

I can feel the anxiety setting in. This thing with Tiago is still so new, we haven’t told anyone about it. We haven’t even talked about what it is or if we are going to tell anyone at school or our families yet!

“Wow I did not take you for a cheater.” Jules says at the same time Amandla says; “How could you cheat on Ken!”

“Woah guys calm down. Tiago and I are just friends, he isn’t cheating.” Ken says.

His two friends give him disbelieving looks.

“People were literally shipping you guys.” Jules says.

“Most ships are not based in reality.” Ken counters.

“You guys were basically in your honeymoon phase since this trip began.” Amandla says.

“We just spent a lot of time together same as I do with Ethan who is like my brother.” Ken counters.

“When we asked about you two you said you don’t kiss and tell!” Jules exclaims.

I frown at Tiago. He looks at Ken.

“I think it would be better if we just come clean.” He says.

“I think you are right.” Ken agrees.

What is going on?

“The truth is Ken and I only pretended that something more was going on to get Patrick to act.” Tiago says.

“What?” I ask.

Tiago shoots me a guilty look.

“I am sorry Patty. I started realizing I might have feelings for you last break. I decided not to act on it because I know I didn’t stand a chance and the only thing it would do is ruin our friendship.” Tiago says.

Last break?

“What changed?” I ask.

“You kissed me. I thought I might actually have a chance but the next day you didn’t remember anything. So I played along.” He says.

“Why didn’t you say anything when I remembered?”

“You apologized so I thought you obviously didn’t feel the same.” Tiago says.

“How did Ken get involved?” Jules asks.

“I noticed he seemed heartbroken so I asked him about it and everything came pouring out. I tried to cheer him up in the days that followed.” Ken answers.

“We soon realized the unintended result of us spending so much time together trying to cheer me up. Patrick’s jealousy. Ken was convinced it was because you liked me and just didn’t realize it yet but I wasn’t so sure. We decided to keep at it at see what happens.”

“So I was some type of guinea pig? Why didn’t you just talk to me?” I ask the betrayal stinging.

“Of course you were not a guinea pig. I just…I just couldn’t stand another rejection from you.” Tiago says miserably.

“There really wasn’t any ill intentions behind it. Can you ever forgive me?” he asks.

Does it sting that he decided to go with this elaborate plan that had me questioning my importance to him? Yes. Had he talked to me instead, would I have responded positively? I am not sure.

“I forgive you.” I say.

Tiago practically tackles me to the picnic blanket peppering my face with kisses.

The three intruders clap, laugh and wolf whistle at us. I find I don’t mind them as much anymore.

I would be easy to stay angry at being deceived but Tiago is right; it was not ill intentioned. And their tiny deception led to the second best decision I have ever made; coming on this trip to win back Tiago.

Looking around the dinner table I realize once again why meeting Tiago is the best thing to ever happen to me.

When the rest of the group found out everything no one judged us or made us feel awkward. Everyone teased us a bit but also sincerely congratulated us and promised not to talk about it to anyone outside of the eight of us until Tiago and I are ready.

Tiago may have been right about this group; they aren’t too bad.



Sorry for the long wait. Last week's updates will both be uploaded today.
This week's schedule will remain the same as usual.

I can't believe we are officially moving into the last 10 or so chapters of this story.

What are you most looking forward to?

- Oli 💌

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