Chapter 35

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Sometimes time flies by so quickly. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were having fun at Camp Day and all of a sudden we are in the last few days of exams.

I usually don’t sweat exams, I always prepare way in advance. But these are the first exams with Jules here.  Dad has been reminding me almost every day that I have to do better than her. At first I tried to shrug it off but as time went by I started second guessing myself.

I am usually part of the group of people that finish each exam first but this time around I spent more time on each paper than I would usually. I would finish answering the questions within 45 to 60 minutes but spend a little bit over half an hour double and triple checking everything.

I feel like it has gotten worse as the exams progressed but there’s nothing I can do about that. The only person I would even consider talking to is Tiago but he has been preoccupied since he joined theatre.

Since he made his acting debut, Tiago hasn’t been spending as much time with our group or me. Instead he started spending most of his time with the theatre kids. Especially Ken and Keziah. The three of them are always together.

Tiago says it’s because the two of them are the best and he wants to learn from them but I can’t help but think they are my replacements.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is that he still joins us for meals. Tiago himself seems to have changed too. He is more confident in his acting and doesn’t seem as affected by the teasing from the guys. He didn’t even flinch when I told him I heard some people shipping him and Ken. He said it’s pretty standard stuff for actors.

He also seems less interested in studying. His grades haven’t suffered or anything but he isn’t as focused on them as he used to. We usually study together and he picks my brain after each exam but this time around he didn’t even notice I finish my exams later than usual.

I can’t believe Ken is replacing me and Tiago is allowing it.

I just finished my last paper and this is usually when I begin to relax after weeks of exams but I can’t help but feel uneasy. We just wrote Chem and even though Jules isn’t in my class neither is Tiago. I thought not having her in the same room might be less distracting but it made me second guess myself even more. The absence of Tiago also just made me remember how absent he has been in my life recently.

“Hey Patty. Can you believe it, exams are finally over!” Tiago says joining me on my walk back to the dorms.

“It must have gone great for you.” I say.

“You make it sound like it didn’t go great for you. Come on you are Patrick Fontaine, school is easy for you.”

“I am not a machine. Nothing is easy for me!” I snap.

“No need to bite my head off. What is going on with you?”

“Maybe if you were a better friend you wouldn’t have to ask.” I retort.

“What? I have always been a good friend to you.” He says.

“Not this past weeks, you haven’t. You don’t hang out outside of meals anymore, all your time is spent with Ken!”

“Does being your friend mean I am not allowed to make new friends?”

“No one is saying you can’t have new friends but do you have to abandon your old ones to make room for them?” I ask.

“I didn’t abandon anyone. Like you said I still hang out at mealtimes and we still hang out after class.”

“Yeah, only when you want to study. You have fun hangouts with them but only hang out with me to eat or study. Even then you seem like you can’t wait to leave.”

“It is exam season, studying is what we do most of the time. And I have told you before out of that group you are the only one I consider my real friend. You can’t blame me for wanting to be around people who understand my dream and support it instead of making fun of it.”

“I support your dreams too but you have no problem leaving me behind.”

“I did not leave you behind. I have invited you many times to hang out with us but you always say it’s not your scene.”

“Because it felt like a pity invite! I don’t fit in with your new crowd and you know it. Just look at what happened at the wrap party. If you were a good friend you would find time to hang out with me instead of trying to force me to hang out with your new friends.”

“I hang out with the Jamie and the guys every day for you, why can’t you tolerate a few hours here and there with my friends?” he asks.

I draw a blank. All I can do is stare.He sighs.

“You are my oldest and closest friend, replacing you is not something I have ever considered.”

I smile relieved.

“But don’t expect me to drop my new friends for you. They are good to me and I am sure if you just gave them a chance you would like them too. The trip I am having over the break for all my friends is the perfect opportunity to get to know them all. If you are really my friend, you will come too.”



Thanks for reading!

Question of the day: what's a pet peeve of yours?

- Oli 💌

Fontaine Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें