Chapter 10

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“I see you invite just anyone to your parties now Sofia.”

I turn to see who spoke and see Patrick glaring at me as he speaks to Sofia.

“Don’t be like that. I am just doing my job as president.”

“Next time do your charity work during day hours or something. I don’t want to have to see that when I am trying to have a good time.”

“What were you thinking Sofia? At least the other one is hot and her dad is loaded.” Charles adds.

“Dude, they can hear you.” Based off Ken’s description, I guess that’s Tiago.

“So?” Charles asks.

“He is such an ass.” Amandla says.

“At least he complimented you…kind of.”

“Ah yes, because being called hot by that poor excuse of a human being is really a compliment.” She says sarcastically.


“It’s not your fault. He just annoys me. He acts like an ass but everyone treats him like royalty so he thinks he’s charming. Last year he asked me out and you do you know how he did it?” she asks.


“First he made out with Clara and then when she left he walked up to me. He asked me out and I pointed out he was just making out with Clara. He said they weren’t exclusive, he was thinking of starting his own harem. He added that he didn’t usually go for girls like me but I was unusually pretty and would bring some variety to his harem.”

“What the hell! I hope you dick-punched him.” Amandla laughs.

“A dick punch really?”

“What? It’s the least he deserves.”

“It really is. Too bad I didn’t think of it then. I didn’t even have a drink to throw in his face so I settled for walking away.” She says sadly.

“You know what he said to you is not about you right? You deserve better than being someone’s afterthought or a way to “spice things up”. And the fact that you definitely won the genetic lotto is the only unusual thing about your beauty.” I state.

“Thanks Jules.” She says squeezing my hand. A bright smile takes over her face.

“Too bright!” I say jokingly which only makes her crack up.


The word rings out freezing everyone in place.

“The guards are coming!”

That unfreezes everyone. Water is poured over the fire putting it out and plunging us into near complete darkness. The moon is out so it provides some light but there are clouds too so it is not as bright as it could be.

“We have to leave right now. If the guards or the dorm monitors catch us we will get demerits. That can mean bad news for your scholarship.” Amandla says.

“Shit! Why did I think this was a good idea?”

Everybody scrambles to get back to the dorms, Amandla and I follow them. I am so glad they seem to know where they are going because I definitely don’t.As we leave the clearing and plunge back into the woods it gets way darker, I can barely see in front of me.

Someone knocks into me from behind and I go down. Luckily I only fall to my knees but I can tell my shins are either badly bruised or bleeding.

When I get back on my feet I am all alone. I can hear people running in the distance but I can’t see anyone. I have no choice but to follow their sound.

I feel like I have been running for a while now but I haven’t made it out of the woods yet and I still haven’t seen anyone else. I stop running and listen for others, I hear nothing.

The woods are quiet save for the sound of insects. Nothing looks familiar.

Earlier it only took us 15 minutes to get to the clearing and we weren’t running then. I should have made it out by now.

Running after the drinks we had was not a good idea. Now on top of my lack of direction, I feel disoriented and the alcohol sloshing around my stomach has me feeling sick.

I try breathing deeply to both settle my stomach and keep the building panic away. I see the beams of flashlights from my left and I set off again running in the opposite direction. I can’t let the guards get me.

Minutes later when I can’t see their lights anymore, I stop to catch my breath. I promptly empty the contents of my stomach in a nearby bush. I feel both better and gross afterwards.

“You okay?”

The voice startles me causing me to fall on my ass. I try to run but he grabs my arm.

“Hey, I am not going to hurt you.”

“You are not a guard? Why did you grab me?” I ask.

“I am not a guard just trying to stop you from running right into them actually.”

Now that he mentioned it that does kind of look like the way I came.

“Where you also at the clearing? Do you know how to get back to the dorms?”

“I was and yes I do.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way.” I say.

He chuckles. “Yes ma’am.”

I walk a step behind him just in case he turns out to be a killer that lives in the woods or something.

Moments later we walk out of the woods. I am so happy to see the buildings I thought as intimidating just a few days ago, I almost break into a run towards them.

As I am nearing my dorm I realize he is still walking with me.

“Thanks for helping me get back.”

“No problem. Its past curfew so you have to be careful. The monitors are usually in their rooms by now so just make sure to be quite on the first floor.”

“They don’t do a room check?”

“Not the first week unless someone makes a report.”

“Fingers crossed no one did.” I say crossing my fingers.

“What’s your name by the way?”


“Thanks again Ethan. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Jules.”

I don’t run into anyone on my way to my room and it is only as let myself into our room that I realize what he said. How did he know my name?



Thanks for reading this chapter. I can't believe we are already ten chapters in!

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- Oli <3

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