Chapter 4

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Walking into the dining hall I take in everything. The seating is a combination of tables and chairs and long benches that can fit twenty people. Instead of a food line everything is set up buffet style. That coupled with the design of the place makes it look more like a high-end restaurant rather than a place where high schoolers eat.

"Where did you disappear off to this morning?"

I turn to find Amandla looking at me expectantly.

"I went for a swim"

"Oh my god you didn't run into anyone did you?" she asks nervously.

"Actually I ran into this jerk that demanded I get out of his water."

"Um...did he have inky black hair, tanned skin and deep blue eyes?"


"Shit. That's Patrick Fontaine, his great-grandfather founded this school. He is basically royalty around here."

Even as my stomach drops I say, "That doesn't give him the right to be an ass."

"I am so sorry, I should have told you yesterday but it is kind of an unofficial rule around here that no one use the pool while Patrick is there. He doesn't like sharing the water except during swim meets." Amandla replies.

"Why is he so extra." I groan.

"He is not the vengeful type is he? I mean it's not like I knew who he was and the pool is open to every student." I say hopefully.

"I don't know Jules...maybe just try to be careful from now on." Amandla advises.

As I watch Amandla pick out her breakfast, I go over what she said. Am I already doomed before I even begin my new life here?

Looking over at her tray I see oatmeal topped with chocolate chips and almond butter as well as a strawberry banana smoothie to top everything off. I feel slightly overwhelmed just looking at the options. I settle on veggie breakfast tacos, blueberry muffins and a mango smoothie.

Amandla leads us to a table towards the back and close to the patio doors.

"Hey guys this is my new roommate Jules, Jules these are my friends Mara and Ken." Amandla says.

"Hi" I say awkwardly.

I am not great at meeting new people, especially good looking ones.

Mara's strawberry blonde hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin make her look like a live action fairytale princess. Ken is almost her exact opposite with deep brown skin and hair but his eyes are the color of copper. His hair is cropped close at the sides with a puff of tight curls on top. How can someone look that good in uniform?!

Is hotness a condition for enrolment here? Did Ms. Jung forget this little detail when she offered me the scholarship?

I mean I am not hideous or anything but everyone I have seen so far looks like they just stepped off a runway. Staying here long term might not be great for my confidence.

"You must be the new girl. How are you liking it so far?" Mara says.

"Until a few moments ago I thought I was doing okay but according to Amandla, I might have made an enemy already." I say.

"Amandla tends to exaggerate sometimes. What happened?" Ken asks.

I explain what happened at the pool this morning.

"It's not that bad right?" I ask hopefully.

"Sorry to bust your bubble but you are fucked." Ken says.

"Ken!" Mara scolds.

"What he meant to say is Amandla was not exaggerating, you need to be careful. Patrick is royalty around here and even if he doesn't go after you himself, once word gets around about what you did, there will be plenty of people trying to avenge him by coming after you." Mara says carefully.

Mara's words prove true because as soon as I enter my first class for the day I notice glares directed towards me. I try to reassure myself that I am reading too much into it but when minutes go by and everybody acts like I am either invincible or glares at me, I have to accept the truth. Everyone hates me.

Apart from the teachers making a point to tell everyone I am new at the beginning of every class, I am left alone. The only people that talk to me are Mara, Amandla and Ken in the couple of classes that we have together. I am more grateful than ever that I ended up with Amandla as my roommate. We sit with her friends again at lunch and their presence acts as a buffer against the stares I have been getting all morning.

Today's PE lesson is taking place at the track so after changing into some gym clothes I head over there. The instructor introduces himself as Mr. Ridley, according to the school website he is a former Olympic gold medalist runner. After he has us sufficiently warm up, he instructs us to run laps. The goal is to be the last one still standing at the end of the lesson.

As time goes by I notice that the ones Amandla pointed out to me at lunch as the popular crowd only do a lap or two and then sit in the stands. I wish I could do the same but I doubt Mr. Ridley will let me get away with that.

It is only on my fourth lap that I notice that Patrick is part of this class. I didn't notice him earlier so he probably got here after the lesson started. Must be nice being royalty. He arrived late and still he and his friends aren't even running laps. They are just kicking around a soccer ball.

A lap later they have collected a bunch of soccer balls and they start launching them at the rest of us who are still running. There are about ten of us but that number drops to six when the four trip and fall because of the balls. Whenever that happens Patrick, his friends and the rest of the popular crowd laugh their asses off. Mr. Ridley pretends not to see anything.

I am just thinking how unfair it is when a ball comes hurtling towards me. Before I can dodge, it hits me square in the stomach and I feel my body hit the ground.



It has been a while since the last update. 😬
Good news is I finished writing my other story so now I can fully focus on this story.
That also means updates will be more regular meaning two uploads a week!

I haven't decided on which days yet so suggestions are more than welcome.

See ya soon!

- Oli <3

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