Chapter 6

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Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

You couldn’t just let it go could you? Now you have made an even bigger target of yourself. You will never fit in now!

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts trying to drown me.

I did nothing wrong. He hurt me first. That ball really hurt but I wasn’t going to react. I going to keep my head down and let it go. But then he opened his mouth and they laughed along. I lost it.

I am kind of regretting it a bit right now but I was only defending myself. If I hadn’t reacted they would have thought their actions were okay and then it would have been open season on me. No I did the right thing.

The locker room is empty when I get there.

Just as I am unlocking my locker I am knocked into it.

I turn to find three girls glaring at me.

“I am Melody and that’s Dana and Clara. I guess you are new or whatever but you have had enough time to come to your senses.” The one in the middle says.


“I am sure someone has told you by now who Patrick is right?” Dana says.


“So what you did back there was stupid. You don’t mess with the inner circle.” Melody says.

“Jamie was just joking around and instead of laughing along you hit him!” Clara exclaims.

“I didn’t hit him, he fell over by himself. And since when is knocking someone over considered “joking around”? He hit me first!” I say.

“He was just playing, it’s what boys do. Besides he is a Bradford, you should be honored he even decided to make you part of his little game instead of overreacting.” Clara.

“If you want to last here you better change your attitude or else your stay here will be a very short one.” Melody says threateningly.

“You people are insane.” I say.

I escape to the showers. Deciding to wash up before heading back to class.

A few minutes later when I get back to my locker it is wide open. I am not really worried, the only thing I have in there is my uniform. No one would steak that around here.

The locker is empty except for the shoes.I can’t walk around in a towel and I left my phone in the other locker. So I have no other choice but to get back into my sweaty clothes.Checking the clock on the wall there are only three minutes before class so I don’t have enough time to pass by the dorms for another uniform. I can’t be late to class on my first day here.

I rush to class and make it before the teacher. My sweaty sports attire gets a lot of weird looks. Sniggers, giggles and chuckles follow me.

I don’t go into class but wait for the teacher outside instead. Other teachers give me weird looks too but say nothing. When she spots me she looks at me curiously. I only know who she is because I looked up who my teachers were going to be on the school website last night.

“Why are you dressed like that?” Mrs. Mathers asks.

“My uniform is missing.”


For a moment I am struck speechless by her lack of concern. I have to remind myself she is a teacher, it’s not her job to care.

“I didn’t want to risk being late so I thought I would come get permission to go get changed first.” She nods.

“Okay but I won’t hold up my lesson for you. It’s up to you make sure you don’t miss too much of it. And it’s also your responsibility to look after your possessions.”

And with that she walks into class and I start running across campus.

Unlike the track early, the run across campus is not all flat ground so by the time I reach our floor I am panting out of breath.

As I draw near to our room I notice a bundle in front of the door.

It is my uniform covered in streaks of shades of brown. I look suspiciously at the brown but pick it up anyways and bring it cautiously to my nose.

I breathe a sigh of relief. It is only mud.



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- Oli <3

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