Chapter 16

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Tiago is very confusing. After the stuff he said the other day, I thought there would be extreme changes. Jamie commented on the fact that he has been quieter than usual and Charles said he saw him talking to the new girl. For a moment I was worried he would ditch us for her but I was pleasantly surprised.

It was like nothing changed, he still sits with us during meals and talks to us during class. He doesn’t hang around after class but that’s because he is usually studying in the library or in his room. Him studying alone is a bit unusual since we usually do that together but maybe he is trying something new.

We wrote the math test a couple of days ago and I was expecting things to go back to how they were before. Tiago has gone back to hanging with us again but I can’t help but think he looks like he would rather be anywhere else.

He seems to be just going through the motions because it’s what he has always done and it’s starting to piss me off.I mean he is supposed to be my best friend, he is supposed to want to hang out with me but most of the time he seems like he can’t wait to get away.

From what he said the other day it is obvious he doesn’t really consider the rest of the guys as his friends and sometimes I don’t either. But now I can’t help but wonder if I have been demoted to that group as well. Am I now also just someone he hangs with because it is expected not because he wants to?

“Leaving already?” I ask as Tiago gets up from the lunch table.

“Yeah, class is about to start soon.”

“You know start times are optional for us. Since when do you care about when class is anyway?”

“I have always cared, Patrick. I guess I just haven’t been showing it.”

Patrick? Since when does he use my full name?

“I’ll go with you then.”Tiago shrugs.

“So…what are you doing later?” I ask.

“Nothing much, just going to read a bit then I have…an audition.”

“An audition? For what?”

“For a play.”

“A play? Like the ones the theatre club puts on?”

“Yes. They are holding open auditions for 'The Importance of Being Earnest' and I decided to audition.”

“Wow, I mean you have always had a flair for the dramatics but I never knew you have an interest in theatre or acting in general.”

“I have always liked it and I thought of joining a couple of times but it’s not really “cool” amongst our crowd so…”

“I can sort of understand why you didn’t tell them but why not me?”

“What if I am not actually that good and you laugh at me?”

“Even if you were trash, I would not laugh at you.”

“Well thanks, that’s a real confidence booster.” Tiago says sarcastically.

“Sorry. When does the play open? I will come cheer you on.”

“Next month but I haven’t even auditioned yet.”

“You will get the part. You are the most hardworking person I know, Tiago.”

“Thanks, Patty.”

The glow of having patched things up with Tiago does not last long. In math we finally get the test results back and I get a 97. Tiago scored a 91, he is ecstatic. This is the first time in his high school career he scored in the 90s in anything to do with math. It takes a lot of willpower to congratulate him because all I can think about is the fact that Jules got a 98.

Like clockwork, my dad calls just as I am entering my room after class.

“Hi dad.”

“Are you kidding me right now? How could you let that girl beat you?”

“Dad I-”

“You knew what people were saying when she got there. I told you to not let yourself get distracted and you let this happen?!”

“Dad it’s just one test.”

“It’s not just one test! Its proof that they were right, she’s better than you.”

“Dad, it’s only by a point.”

“Doesn’t matter! She was able to do that after years of only public school education and just a little over a week of Fontaine education. That one point makes a mockery of everything we have achieved so far.”

I clench my jaw so that I don’t lash out at him.

“She is not better than me! I underestimated her this time but that won’t happen again. I won’t let her take away everything I have worked for.”

“Make sure that you don’t.” he says and promptly hangs up.



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Thanks for reading!

- Oli 💌

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