Ah, English.

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Talia's POV

Another day. Well, another boring day. Every single day, repeating over and over again. It gets quite sickening actually. Nothing really new.

I'm just the average boring teenage girl making trouble at school, always fussing about homework and other icky school things. Although, there are a few things I don't mind about school. Which are my friends and sports. I love playing basketball. It's basically my passion at the moment due to volleyball being over.

I get out of bed, brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup, then I run downstairs. I usually don't actually eat breakfast but I go down into the kitchen anyways to torment my younger brother Tyson and annoy my older sister Max.

I sit down at the table right across from my brother and stare right directly at him to weird him out. He then looks up raising one eyebrow. He's lucky, I personally can't raise one eyebrow.

"Why are you staring at me? You're so weird Talia." I sit there in silence still staring at him. "MaAaAx" he whines. "Oh my god, shut up Tyson. She's just doing that to annoy you."

I start laughing about it until Max just glares at me and makes me shut up. Something about her scares me sometimes. She has the look my dad did. Well, you can guess where he went.

He left us when we were little. Like some people they use the excuse to say their dad left to go get the milk and never came back. Well, mine, we won't get into that story, so I use the same boring joke everyone else does. With the milk. Ew.

I then continue to sit at the table for a few minutes and finally get up and say goodbye to Max and Tyson. Tyson rolls his eyes and continues eating his breakfast as I leave the house with my stuff.

As soon as I walk outside, I hear the crunch of the dumb colored leaves on the ground. I hate fall, and when October comes around because everyone expects to fall in love. I like girl in red but come on, it's not even realistic.

I get on the bus and try my best to tune out all of the annoying kids. Yes, I do have my drivers license, but Max one time borrowed my car and totaled it on the way home. So there goes my car, and my freedom of music choice on the radio.

Instead, I have to use headphones and listen to all the kids voices muffled. The damn headphones don't even do anything to cancel out the sounds.

Eventually, the bus arrives at school. Finally. I can get out of this stinky ass tin can with all of the annoying echoing noises and voices.

I finally step off of the bus heading inside to my school. The school is a pretty big school. Lots of kids. The only reason there's smaller kids on my bus though is because the bus takes them to their school on the other side of the city.

I reach my locker. Honestly, I'm so excited to be here. I hated how boring summer was. I didn't even get to do what I wanted to with my mom yelling all of the time, or going on dates. That resulted in me having to watch Tyson, since Max went over to her girlfriends house so often.

Lucky. Honestly I think they'll last forever.

I grab my notebook and go to class. My friends won't mind me going to class early. I'll talk to them later anyways.

Ah, English. My favorite class.
The only class I'm good at. I only ever pass in English. I absolutely love writing. Especially the essays.

Soon enough, the bell rings as I sit at my assigned seat at a table. Which is right across from.. her.

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