Epilogue part2

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Abu Dhabi grand prix has always been my favourite. Not only is it where Lando proposed to me, but it always has a special energy. In addition to having many good memories here.

-Mom we're gonna be late!- Lia said while pulling from my arm to go faster.

-Honey, there's still time for your father to get into the car, don't worry, we'll see him.

-Dad promised me he would let me sit in the car, if we don't run I won't be able to.

Lia looks like she's going to end up following in her father's footsteps. At seven years old, it is clear to her that she wants to spend every second of her free time behind a wheel.

I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't scare me a bit. Every day that Lando gets in that car my heart is in a fist until I see him get out. But when it's one of your children...

But then I see her face every time she sees her father drive. Or how her eyes shine behind her little helmet when she's in a kart. And I realize that my fear doesn't matter, her happines is the only thing that does.

Lucas was the complete opposite of his sister, much more calm and shy. He loved to watch his father's races but most of the time when we were in the garage he spent his time talking to the engineers and the mechanics, fascinated by everything they tell him. I don't know how much he understands about what they say to him, he's only nine and I don't understand half of it, but every time he enters the garage he runs to where they are.

Lando was one step away from winning his fourth championship and I'm still just as nervous as the first time. The grid no longer has anything to do with what it was in those years, most of the drivers have already retired or are about to do so, only the youngest remain.

-If dad wins, will he let me get on the podium with him?- Lia asked me during the formation lap.

- I don't think so honey, but don't worry if he wins, I'm sure the first thing he does will be celebrate with you and your brother.

My daughter didn't seem very happy with my answer.

-I want to get on that podium- she said determined.

-You will, but not because of your father's achievements, you will get to the top because of your own merits.

He won. Lando Norris is officially a four-time world champion. As I told Lia, the first thing Lando did when he got out of the car was to go hug his children and then, with his teary eyes he got to me.

After the ceremony it was time for the press before we could go celebrate, but it seems Lando had other plans.

-I want to communicate my immediate withdrawal from Formula One.- he said to the mic- This sport has given me the best years of my life but there is nothing else here for me. I want to thank my team, who always believed in me and what we could achieve together. And my family, this is all for them, all the throphies, the records, none of it is worth anything without them. Thank you very much, there will be no more questions.

What did he just say?

-A heads up would have been nice- I say passing my arms around his neck when he reached me.

-I realized when I was crossing the finish line.

-I imagined something was up, I saw it on your face when you went out on the track today.

-And now what?

-How about a third?-I say looking at our children, who were entertained with the rest of the children in the paddock.

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