Friends will be friends

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Lando had to go back to the factory for a couple of days but I had decided to stay in Monaco.

I'm in the kitchen when I hear the door open and close but Lando shouldn't be back for two days. I take one of the knives and slowly approach the living room. My heart is racing but I try to hold the knife firmly so I don't drop it.

When the brunette sees me, he leaves the travel bag he was carrying in his hand and raises his arms in defeat.

-Lulu I know I didnt call but killing me its a little extreme dont you believe?- it was the guy Lando had shown me in so many photos, Max.

-At what point do you think it's a good idea to enter the house of a person with amnesia without warning?- I leave the knife in the kitchen again- You almost gave me a heart attack, if Lando hadn't shown me a photo I wouldn't have recognized you.

-So Lando wasn't exaggerating? Have you really forgotten everything?

- I dont get why Lan would lie with a thing like this- I said, I was so calmly making lunch and this almost scared me to death- How did you get in without knocking?

-Do you really think I dont have a key to your place?- I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, how could I know?- okay dont answer that, I get it, amnesia.

-Are you going to say why did you came or...?- He looked around the kitchen, seeing what I had started cooking.

- We can eat this for dinner, perfect.- he guide me by the arm to the door of the bedroom- get changed, I'm taking you out for lunch.

-I guess I don't have a say in this do I?- I ask entering the room to start looking for some clothes.

-You are catching things quickly, in no time you will understand again how our relationship works.

Max was...Lets just say interesting. He had a lot of energy and couldn't stop talking about anything and everything. Now I understand why he gets along so well with Lando.

Just as he said we went out to eat. He told me how racing was going. He asked me how this weeks have been going, I didnt know what to say because apart from feeling lost every time, this weeks hadnt been that bad.

- I know exactly what you need to clear your mind- he said as we got out of the restaurant. He did not elaborate and I knew he was not going to give me any more details.

We ended up in on the beach. It was too cold to bathe, it was still February so we only took a walk. I loved the ocean, the way the waves crashed in the shore, the sound of the birds and the feeling of the sand under your feet always brings back good memories.  It was also nice having someone who you can talk to and you know he won't judge you. With Max it happened a bit like with Lando, for some strange reason I know I can trust them.

While we were in the car back home I got a text from Lando.


Did the surprise arrive?

I almost had a heart attack, he entered without warning, I took out a knife and everything.

Damn, I always miss the funny stuff😩.
What are guys up to now?

He kind of kidnaped me around the city, it's been interesting🤷🏼‍♀️.

Sounds fun, I'm in a meeting right now I will call you later, have fun!!❤️

You too😉😂


-And that smile? I'm going to assume it's because of Lando.- He says looking at me in the mirror.

-You can assume what you want- I keep trying to hold back a smile.

-How's all this thing going with him by the way?- I knew the topic was going to come out at any point, but I still wasnt ready for it.

-Strange, he has been amazing dont get me wrong- I say, and it was true, Lando couldnt have treated me better.

-But he knows things about yourself that you dont even know- he finished for me.

-Exactly! Like, he knows my coffee order, he always gets me my favourite foods, He knows exactly what I need at all times, and I don't even know his middle name.- I ramble.

- That's easy, he does not have one- he says parking the car.

-The point is, I feel terrible that I can't know any of those things about him.- I told him truthfuly- and I know that he is trying very hard and it breaks my heart.

-Then get to know him again- he says as if it was that simple- You might not see it like that right now but you have a second chance, seize it, enjoy starting over.

-What if he gets tired of waiting for me?- Its something I've been worring about the last couple of days and I know he will be honest with me.

-That guy adores you, before you joined McLaren, he considered giving up driving, just so he could spend more time with you.-it surprised me, I remember racing was that guy's priority at all times-Obviously when you found out you almost killed him for even thinking about giving up his career for you. But believe me, The last thing he would do is get tired of you.

-Lets just hope you are right- I say finally. I dont know what I would do if he did.

-Ooooh, Lulu has a little crush?- he teased. Why did I open my mouth.

-I dont have a crush, crushes are childish- I defend myself.- but Max he made a PowerPoint about why Taylor Swift has become the best songwriter of the decade. A PowerPoint! And you should see his face every time he tells me a story about us, I melt every time.

-I lived with both of you for almost two years, believe me, I've seen that face- he said faking anoyment.- lets get you home, I'm freezing out here.

-Thanks for today by the way, Its the most normal I've felt since the accident.- I confess.

-No need to thank me, thats what friends are for.

Fading - Lando NorrisМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя