Sign of the times

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I was a mess. Even though Lily and Alex are doing everything they can to make it okay, I'm going crazy. So I did the only thing I could think of. I took the phone and start dialing.

-Luna, darling, I didn't expect you to call so soon- Emma said through the other line.

-Is there any chance that I can come see you?- I asked.

-Today is imposible, I have everything taken - she explained.

-I remembered, Emma.

-What exactly do you remember?

-The baby- I said in a low tone.

She stayed silent for a few second but I could listen to papers being moved.

-Okay we are going to do this- she started- my sessions end at seven, so you are going to come around that hour. Does that sound right?

-Its perfect, thank you so much for this.

-Anytime, take care Luna.

It was still four in the afternoon. My feelings were all over the floor. One minute I felt I was alright and the next one a wave of sadness flods me.

The guilt of having left Lando like this does not help either, I have heard how Alex was talking to him and from what I have guessed he is not having a good time either. I feel like a shit person.

Maybe a little nap will do me well.

Lando's POV

I do not regret anything. I know that right now she is hurt and feels that I have lied to her. But she didnt remember what it was like, and I selfishly hoped she never did.

This decision was not taken lightly, I talked to her parents, Emma and our friends and none of us thought it was a good idea to tell her. She would feel more confused than she already was.

Why did that have to be the first thing she remembered? She couldn't have remembered our first date or her college graduation no, she had to remember the worst moment of our lifes.

I received a message from her saying that she had arrived at Alex's house and since then radio silence. I spoke to Alex briefly but that didn't put me at ease. Luna was very hurt and she had taken it as a betrayal.

She was incapable at seeing the bigger picture here right now. And I get it, I get why she's angry but there is still two days until we need to be in Azerbaijan and if I have to wait that long to talk to her I will go crazy.

Luna's POV

I arrive at the consultation half an hour early. At the reception they told me to wait in the waiting room and that's what I did. When I took out my phone I realized that it was still off so I turned it on.

A message in particular caught my attention.


Are you alright?

I dont know if you are ready for this yet.

But if you'd like to see any photos you wont find them on your phone.

Dont go crazy looking for them, you deleted them.

But I have them if you want them.

When you're ready thats it.

I think about the answer for a moment before answering him.

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now