Late night talking

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We arrive in Bahrain on Thursday morning. It was press day and being the first race of the season it was a busy one. They took Lando practically as soon as we stepped into the paddock and they left me with the communications team. Apparently I had been promoted last season to press officer after Charlotte's departure so the last couple of weeks have been crazy for the team.

The plan was as follows, there would be a press officer on duty until A. I magically regain my memory or B. gets comfortable back in my position and relearn everything I need to know.

For now my job would be to run the team's social media, creating content about the boys during the weekend and trying to learn as much as possible from my teammates.

I was wearing an orange polo shirt just like the ones I steal from Lando at home and a Mclaren cap. I was filming Piastri waving and signing things for the fans when someone took the cap I was wearing.

-Hey! Find your own cap, that's mine- I tell Lando when I turn.

-I lost mine- he said shrugging his shoulders.

-How can you loose a hat you were wearing?- I ask crossing my arms.

-I think I gave it to a kid, you know they are my weak spot- I didnt know that but it was good to know- I'm sorry for not being with you in the team meeting, I was late for the press conference, they left me no choice.

-I know, dont worry- I told him truthfuly- I'm almost done here, I need some content from you with the fans and I would be done by now.

- That can be fixed quickly, come on- he told taking my hand and guiding me to the fence where the fans were waiting. They went crazy when they saw him, everybody wanting a photo with him or wanting him to sign something.

It was a hectic day but I knew that tomorrow would be even worse. My room was next to Lando's, that's how the team arranged it and I appreciate it. I am in a new country where I practically don't know anyone, having someone I know close by calms me down a bit.

The cars are going incredible this season, no one expected such a breakthrough from Mclaren in such a short time. Without a doubt they are being the surprise of the season.

Oscar and Lando are doing an amazing job too. They had been flying during free pactice and Lando had managed to qualify P2 followed by Oscar on P5. The team was over the moon but we knew tomorrow was the important day.

I have been tossing and turning for the last hour, I have slept terribly the last couple of days but it has only gotten worse. Tonight I had tried to go to bed early in an attempt to get some rest for tomorrow but it was for no use. I get up and go to the balcony. The hotel has a view of the whole circuit. It's strange to see everything so quiet with only the lights illuminating the asphalt.

I am surprised when I look to the right and see that I am not the only person awake.

- Trouble sleeping?- I ask Lando. He jumps a little when he sees me, he must have been lost in thoughts.

- Looks like I'm not the only one- he says simply. I could see the tireness in his eyes even with the dim light.

-You should be sleeping, you cant race if you are tired- I tell him worried.

- You should be sleeping too and here you are- he said turning to face me completely- I havent been able to sleep like I used to for weeks and I still drive well.

-You've driven flawlessly but that doesn't take away my concerns. You know its dangerous when you are not on shape.

-Can you not scold me right now? Just for today, I know you worry but its not what I need right now- he said frustrated.

-Then what do you need?- he looks at me and shakes his head.

-It doesnt matter, dont worry, go back to sleep- he said, and before I could say something he got back to his room.

Has he really left me with the word in my mouth? I leave the balcony and I don't even worry about putting on my shoes. I knock on the door when I'm in front. He doesnt answer so I knock again.

-Norris if you dont open...!- The door abruptly open revealing Lando finally.

-Moon...-he wispered- dont do this to me please.

-What do you need- I say bluntly, he runs his hand over his clearly tired face.- think selfishly for once. Think only for yourself, what do you want?

-I want you- he finally said- no, scratch that, I need you. I cant even breathe without you by my side.- my breath catches on my throat and it seems that he inmediately regrets what he has said- god, don't listen to me, I shoudnt be saying this.

-Promise me you wont hurt me- I plead.

-Of course I wont hurt you, why would you...- I dont even let him finish his question as I close the space between us.

I take his face between my hands and push our lips together. He doesn't process what it is happening instantly. When he does he takes me by my waist and bring me into the room without getting away from me. He closes the door and presses me against it.

-Dont leave me alone tonight please- he wispers in my ear as he trails kisses across my neck.- stay with me, I cant loose you again.

-You wont loose me- I say in between kisses- I'm here, trust me, I'm here.

He separates from me and caresses my cheek. I can see in his eyes hope and despair.

-You dont know how much I've missed you- it breaks my heart to hear every single word he says. To know that he has been feeling like this because of me...- My moon...I'm lost without you.

-You are so tired...- I say touching his face. He leans into my touch but shakes his head- you need to rest baby.

-I dont want to sleep- he pulls me closer to me and rests his head on my shoulder, avoiding my gaze- I dont need to rest I need you with me.

- I will be here- I walk backward approaching to the bed- lets go to sleep, we have a lifetime to worry about everything else.

He finally gives in and lays in bed. When I lay beside him he pulls me closer by my middle and rests his head on my chest. Like he is scared I will dissapear at any moment. I stroke his hair trying to calm him down and remind him that I'm not leaving.

I wake up by light kisses around my face. I squeeze my eyes and hide in the chest of the one who is waking me up. I was sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want it to end.

- Luna its time to wake up- a shiver goes through my body when I hear my name from his lips- I would love to stay on bed with you but it's race day, they need us in the track.

-Five more minutes- I say.

- We both know thats a lie- he says putting a lock of hair behind my ear.

-You better win this race, I was having the best night's sleep of my life.- I say finally sitting on the bed. I rub my eyes to finish waking up and finally notice Lando.

He had all his hair messy and a t-shirt that was at least a couple of sizes too big. The chain with the ring hung from his neck, he did not take it off even to sleep.

-I will try my best- he said with a wide smile.

And oh my god if he did.

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now