Isn't she lovely

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-And how exactly is this going to help me?- I sat unconfortable in the chair.

-How about you tell me why did you come here. What was your goal- Emma, my therapist said.

Apparently I had been seeing her for a few years and Lando thought it was a good idea to take advantage of the weeks off we had between races for me to pay her a visit. I'm not going to lie to you, I was going to say no, the last thing I wanted now was to talk to a stranger about my problems, but Lan caught me off guard and I couldnt say no.

-My goal was to get Lando off of my back with this issue- I tell her- he's been telling me how this will help me for weeks now.

-And you dont believe this will help you?- she said writing something on her notebook. What even is she writing we have barely started.

-No, I've been doing just fine without therapy- I stated.

-Then why did you come- She let the notebook on her lap- Luna, you might be a lot of things but influenceable is not one of them. You wouldn't come if it was just for Lando.

-If you know me so well why dont you solve all my problems right now?- I say defensive- After all everyone seems to know me better that I do- I know she doesn't deserve how I talked to her but this is not going anywhere.

-I'm sorry, I shouldnt have say it like that- I apologize. I stand up and start pacing around the room- Its just really frustrating not knowing anything about your own life.

-Luna I assure you that I will do everything in my power to help you- she said sincere.- But I can only do it if you really want to be helped.

-Will you tell Lando what we talk here?- I ask hesitant.

-Everything you share in this sessions are strictly confidential, nothing will come out of here.

-Okay- I sit down on the chair again- how does this therapy thing work?

In the end it wasn't so bad. It's not that we made much progress, but we have to start somewhere.

Lando was waiting for me in a cafeteria below the consultation. I found him reading a book at one of the corner tables. This one I did recognize, The Little Prince, my favorite book.

-One sees clearly only with the heart- I recite from memory.

-Anything essential is invisible to the eye- he finishes without even looking up.

-Do I still read it?- I asked curious.

-Only like every single month since I've known you- he looked at me with a smile- You read it to me outloud before going to sleep I loved it. I was missing it.- he said putting the bookmark and closing the book.

-How has it been? How's Emma?- he asked.

-It was alright I guess, not what I thought it would be- I sat on the chair opposide to him- Emma was good, I like her.

I'm thankful he doesnt dig for more information. He didnt ask what we talked about, he just wanted to know how I was after it.

-I'm glad, Mary would be really disapointed if you didnt- he said trying to hide his smile behind the coffe cup- She's my therapist...and also Emma's wife.

-Our therapists are married?- honestly half of the things he tells me I think they are jokes, this has to be one.- now this has to be a joke.

-No joke, it was hilarious when we found out- he said with a laugh- We met Emma at the supermarket, we went to say hello and boom there she was buying fruit with Mary, you should have seen my face it was worse than when you see your teacher in public.

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now