Invisible string

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This was supposed to be two separate chapters but I decided to merge them. As a note, I have no idea how social services work so just remember this is a fictional story and go with it for the shake of it. That being said I really hope you like this chapter!!🥰


Lando came up to me one early morning during the last week of summer break with his cell phone in hand and a guilty smile. I knew that smile, he's nervous I will get angry at him.

We had decided to stay in Monaco resting before having to travel for the first race.

-Moon- he said sitting beside me on the bed- You know I love you right?

-Yes Lando I know- I say resting the book I was reading on the night stand.- I love you too.

-And you know that you are the best thing that has happened to me in my life, right?- he took my hand in his.

-Right...?- I said confused. Where was he trying to get?

-And you know that I would do anything for you- he said resting a hand on his chest.

-Lando, what is happening?- I ask concerned.

-I may have screwed up. Big time.- I rub my face trying to get the sleep out of me.

-Is someone injured?

-No- he shakes his head.



-The house is on fire?

-That was just one time!- he exclaims rolling his eyes- And no.

-Then I'm not going to get angry.- It's honestly too soon to get angry about some little thing.

-I wouldn't say it so soon but if you say so...- he said scratching the back of his neck.

-Landoooo- I fall back into the bed and cover my face with my hands- What is it?

-Maybe I forgot to tell you a little detail and you still haven't remembered it.

-Thats it? How bad can it be? I remember almost everything. Just say it Lan.

-Okay...let me think how I'm going to say this...-I'm starting to get a little nervous. It's never been so hard for him to tell me anything since Violet.- so after we lost Violet we actualy started the process to adopt.- Okay I was not expecting that.

-Okay...?- I said carefuly.

-And maybe I forgot to stop the procedures.- I nodded signaling him to continue as I didnt know what to say to that.

-And I may have received a call from social services.- what did he just say?

-And?- I was getting impatient.

He wet his lips and took my hands.

-And maybe they have a baby for us- he said softly.

-They have a baby for us?

-They do. And I'm sorry, I know I should have told you. But I forgot and this things usually take so much time. The agency says he's perfect for us.- he's looking at me nervous but with hopeful eyes.

-It's a boy?- I cover my mouth still processing what he just said.

-They haven't said much. Only that he's in the hospital right now and that if we want we can go see him.

-Is he hurt?- I said worried.

-Oh no, just some rutinary checking or something like that, he's fine.

This was it. This was the feeling I was talking about in Mexico.

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now