Roger That

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Well folks, we've made it to the 2 week mark since Hagakure went missing! And it only took 15 chapters! XD We're making progress. Hahahaha.

Hope everyone likes the chapter, things are about to speed up.

Well, not my update schedule. XD Next month is packed for me since I'm running the Green With Envy event and will be doing a bunch of doctor stuff. Sorry!

Also, thanks so much to NEPTUNE_URMOM for all those wonderful comments!!!!

All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

"Ĉi tio estas en Esperanto." [This is in Esperanto.]

If a scene is being translated the entire time, and there are no language issues anywhere in an entire scene because of a translation device, the scene will just be written as normal. But you know who speaks what. I believe in you.

Sunday, September 16th

4:45 am

-Two Weeks Since Hagakure Went Missing-

Danny's powers slipped his skin, oozing out like algae-filled water from a pond at creek's edge.

Slogging across the Ops Center in the pitch black of early morning, the sleep-deprived boy autopiloted toward the bathroom. A fallen canister light and broken glass blocked his path, but he jumped over them with just a hint of weightlessness. Scratching at several millimeters of rough stubble along his jaw, he touched down and ducked inside before heading to the sink. Water doused Danny's face, trying to dissuade the slimy feel of another "episode" from clinging to his skin as he looked up at the mirror. Dripping bangs and dark bags framed a set of apathetic blue eyes, creating a gothic-tier look that quickly disappeared behind a rough towel.

A quick check of a cracked phone screen—4:48 in the morning.

Might as well call Mom and Dad. It was...the math of a seven hour time difference escaped Danny and he settled for the knowledge that it was somewhere near midday in Switzerland.

Tapping on an app he'd recently downloaded for his parent's trip, Danny watched as a picture of them—dressed for disco night at the Material Grill—pulsated with white light. The obnoxious dial tone playing on loop coupled with a bright blue background had him feeling like a fish trapped in an upbeat aquarium as he waited for the call to connect.

Dann-o! Perfect! his father's excited voice boomed over the phone and the screen transitioned to a grainy image of black, tan and orange. We were going to call, but your mom didn't want to wake you! We have good news!

Danny's heart stopped—which would have been concerning if it didn't happen nearly every day—and he squeaked out, "What'd you find?"

Is that Danny?! yelled from the background before Jack could answer and shuffling footsteps whispered through the speaker. A second later, his mom squished into frame with a brilliant smile. Sweetie! Guess what?! We found a way to adjust the Fenton Portal! As long as the jump's not too big, we should be able to switch the endpoint away from the Zone and re-anchor it to a neighboring dimension!

At the words, Wulf's deep voice filled Danny's head, "Viaj odoroj venas de la Malproksimo. Mi povas nur Disŝiri la Proksime. Sferoj kiuj limas niajn." [Your scents come from the Far. I can only Rend the Near. Realms that border our own.]

Deflating just as the video quality sharpened, Danny watched his parents fall silent and trade disquieted looks.

...Danny? his dad prodded.

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