Of Fallout and Filler

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We are now, approximately, ⅓ of the way through the outline! Yay us! And happy birthday to me! (it was during my vacation lol) Also, I will most likely go back and fix up the one scene from chapter 11 that was kinda confusing because of how many characters there were. But not right now. My brain can't handle it. XD I don't want to lose my momentum and end up with writer's block. That would suuuck.

Also, I think I need to take a mini-break from Portal Panic. I would like to do a one-shot or something to kind of refresh myself a bit. I have been letting myself get too wrapped up on being as fast as I can that I'm starting to not write things exactly how I want them, and I don't like that. I constantly feel like I have an assignment due. XD It's stressful. Hahaha.

This has also brought me to the mindset that chapters are going to come chopped up into shorter parts for sure, now. I want to have like-minded things together, but I just packed too much into my outline for that to be reasonable anymore. Especially because I keep fleshing random tangent stuff out. Like for this chapter. All the lab stuff was supposed to be a single, short part that ended up being 3 longish parts. lol But I like them all. So I'm sitting here just like...fuck. Sorry, readers. XD

So, if a future chapter seems kinda boring, sorry. It was originally supposed to only be part of a chapter. That will, hopefully, make my updates more often, though.

All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

If a scene is being translated the entire time, and there are no language issues anywhere in an entire scene because of a translation device, the scene will just be written as normal. But you know who speaks what. I believe in you.

Thursday, September 13th

1:45 pm

A beady-eyed gaze surveyed UA's principal's office from atop Ectoplasm's shoulder. It meandered away from a small nameplate perched on a dark, wooden desk to the green filing cabinets flanking the room. Trailing along a line of faculty portraits heading the back wall as if it couldn't quite bring itself to settle, it slid down, crossing the periwinkle linoleum to finally fixate on four students.

Kirishima hunched in on himself (a common posture for the boy these past forty minutes) while minute trembles shook a pale Ashido at his side. The currently light-pink teen shifted in place, stealing repeat, furtive glances at their math teacher.

In stark contrast, Bakugo didn't seem particularly apologetic, eyebrows drawn together and gaze fastened to a pair of lightly charred hands. One of them flexed open and closed while the other stayed tightly clenched around a water bottle, eliciting slight crackle-pops.

Then there was Ojiro. Mild mannered, thoughtful Ojiro. Who's glare was nearly as scathing as it was defiant.

Nezu's furry shoulders sagged, the mouse seeming almost...resigned, before a deep inhale cut the fragile silence. "Your behavior today was unbefitting a UA student. It was reckless, dangerous, and if I must say, idiotic. I hope you understand that I have no choice but to take disciplinary action."

Kirishima flinched, but no one argued, the crinkling of squeezed plastic the only thing to disturb the air.

"Assaulting a teacher is no laughing matter," Ectoplasm spoke, his gravel-in-a-cement-mixer-meets-autotune voice particularly jarring in the silence. Pupil-less eyes somehow made it obvious they were focused on Ojiro; then the duplicator's stance shifted and Ashido and Kirishima were included in the scrutiny. "Even if you think you are only attacking a clone."

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