A New Neighbor

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"This sentence is in English, but shhh." This is for when the scene is from a Japanese character's POV and they don't understand English, or, if they understand some words, those are not underlined.

If a scene is being translated the entire time, and there are no language issues anywhere in an entire scene because of a translation device, the scene will just be written as normal. But you know who speaks what. I believe in you.

*****There is implication of experimentation in Amorpho scene.

UPDATE **** I'VE DECIDED TO PUT IN SWEAR WORDS IN FUTURE CHAPTERS FOR CHARACTERS THAT WOULD NORMALLY HAVE THEM. By being too reader friendly I started avoiding realistic depictions of both story and characters. Like Bakugo. And it really bothered me.

Tuesday, September 11th,

8:23 am

A foul odor roiled up from a fetid river, each new bubble a bursting zit of petulant ooze.

Danny could just make out a lumpy patch of egg-yolk yellow scales that disturbed the surface, blending in with the ghost's liquid haunt. Refusing to breathe, but still tasting the fumes, he dove around the rocks holding in the slimy banks.

Beneath the river, the superhero consulted a hand-drawn map, tuning his flight slightly left and starting a gradual descent. Steering clear of a stone etched with an inverted tree, the male meandered by several fancy doors that slowly gave way to random, floating debris. As he continued on, the nasty smell that still clung to his tongue began to mix with the scent of a summer barbecue.

Danny gagged, spitting into the air a few times as he picked up speed and went intangible, avoiding a baked lasagna and fork.

Stomach churning and starting to feel faint, the mesomorph drew closer to a levitating island of vegetable gardens and freezers. At the haunt's center sat a clean cut 40's style house, the sides of the structure wavering like a mirage as he passed.

Phantom's toxic eyes narrowed suspiciously. This was more than just a standard case of nausea.

A floating boulder eclipsed the island just as Danny angled back toward the anomaly, stopping him for a second and hiding the plentiful land from view.

His perception lurched in the interim, the strange every-atmosphere of the Zone distorting around him like heat rising off of sunned metal. An invisible force pushed in, creating an area of tensility and wrongness that turned ghostly atoms supple.

Swamped with panic and body elongating, the phantasmal being shoved outward. After several heartbeats, the gravity well abruptly lessened and he shot from the pressurized space with a snap.

Ectoplasm filled the warped region's midpoint and stabilized it into a natural portal as Danny took habitual gulps of air, incandescence dimming in time with the breaths.

"That was waaay too close for comfort."

Sweat coating an overly pliable spine, the halfa watched as all traces of the distortion vanished, leaving only the portal behind.

Tuesday, September 11th,

8:50 am

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sorry, Daniel. But I really don't know anything about your situation," Ghost Writer responded. Hunching over one of his pink keyboards, the grey ghost typed "kurogiri", flipping a wool scarf to the side when it got in his way. Swiveling in his conjured chair, the thin man then tapped "blackmist" on a second setup and "known portal users" on a third.

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